
Need to figure out how to wake up on time?

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i am 21. I have a 7 month old son and i work two stores for one company. I work my main store in the morning from 7 till 1 and then go to the other store till 4:30 sometimes 5 pm. When i come home my husband goes to work. ( most of the time my son wont take another nap after i have gotten home. He stays up till its bed time. By the time i get him to bed its almost midnight. I am on the verge of loosing my job because i have been late opening my morning store 3 times this month.I have worked for them for a year 1/2 and never been late until this month. 3 TIMES THIS MONTH!!! ( this is the only time its happened besides this month i have never been late to work and only called in twice when i was pregnant) i work both stores because they dont have the staff on hand to work the other store so i feel obligated to do it. I have tried moving my alarm clock across the room in the morning so i have to get up to shut it off and i have set the alarm early. This morning i just slept through it. I woke up at 7:07 am ( when the store was supposed to be open at 7) i have vacation september 8th through the 14th which i believe will help get my self straight again. I was told today if i was late again i was fired ( which i completely understand but cant afford) does anyone have any more ideas? ( Trust me i try to get my son to bed earlier but he waks up every 10 or 15 minutes until around midnight when he goes to sleep. I think im just exhausted. Not to mention the stress of possibly being pregnant again.




  1. you need to tell your boss that working these two stores is taking a toll on your life. and its not worth you losing your sense of being, and the fact that you feel "obligated" to work both stores because they don't have staff, sounds to me like they are just taking advantage of you and i'm sure if they know that you are about to leave because the stress is too much and too much is expected of you and your family is also hurting, i'm sure they would have to hire someone to replace you, and that someone more than likely is not gonna do what you do, so they will end up having to hire another person for that other store, so either way they need to hire someone before they are the ones left to take care of their own business.  you are a valuable employee and they should not try to intimidate you with threats of firing you when you are doing your job and they arent'

  2. Do what you are doing just now by moving it across room but also maybe invest in another couple of alarm clocks (you can buy them cheap from the pound (dollar) shop) and set them, also set your mobile (cell) phone alarm too.  Try and have a nap when you can.  I can understand it must be stressful but stressed will interfere with your sleep.  Hope it helps - I always set up a back up alarm incase I miss my main one.   Good luck - sweet dreams.

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