
Need to find a flat snaffle, any idea what is good?

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My new pony has only taken a hackamore (which i find completely pointless.) she is 16 and I want to ride her english. I was told to begin her in a flat snaffle, but I have no idea what to get it or where to look. I'd love some adivse. Thank you.




  1. A flat snaffle does not exist.

    How most horses start out in either mullen mouths (which have a straight bar as the mouth piece) I think this may be what they meant. It is quite a mild bit because it is straight and can not perform a nutcracker action.

    here is a picture

    Another option is an egg butt snaffle it is quite a mild bit because of the large mouth piece and is great bit to start a horse in.

    they egg butt also comes in a hollow mouth form which means it is hollow, that might work as well since it is very light weight being hollow.

    I hope this helps

  2. Yeah begin her in any kind of snaffel is she is nice and sslow and respects your hand =]. Look online. Go to google and type in flat snaffle. Some websites will come up and you can find th eprices for it. If you want it real cheap you could call this place drifton farms and they will order it for you. They have the best quality tack and prices.

  3. I'm not sure why you find a hackamore pointless, but if your horse has not been introduced to a bit ever before, it is not something you just stick in her mouth and go with. Considerable training is necessary to correctly bit a horse.  Who advised you on what bit to use, and is it an experienced trainer who knows how to bit train a horse?  If not, don't buy any bit until you have that kind of help to make the transition from hackamore to bit.

  4. I love love love my *french link loose ring myler* bit. it's super soft and wont pinch your horses mouth. the space bar is flat and encourages soft chewing and supplness. i havnt used on a horse without them liking it yet. you can get it online at here.....

    really anything that has a soft link, is loose, and moves in the horses mouth wil do you good. but i would stay away

    from happy mouth bits because they get chewed up.

  5. i would reccomend a d-ring or something similar, i use them for training and horses with soft mouths.

  6. do you know how to train a horse on what a bit is? because training a horse takes more then just sticking the bit in it's mouth and going.  If the horse doesnt know what the bit is, chances are it wont understand the cues and you both will get frustrated.

    if it aint broke dont fix it. . . best advice.

    second best advice. . . if you dont know how to train, find a trainer who can a. teach you or b do it for you.

    people are going to tell you what worked for them. . . but that may not work for your horse. just keep that in mind.

    go to the tack store and ask questions there about bits.  

  7. You can look on the phone book for a near by tack store

    Or online, its easy and somtimes cheaper.

  8. just go out an get a o-ring snaffle.. local tack shops or sometimes tsc will help you with that....

    also, i ride my mare in a hack western and a kimberwic snaffle in english because she throws her head in western/speed if she has a bit and she works better in a hack... but in english she is fine since i can use two hands and i need the bit pressure to keep her from rushing jumps in english. hacks arent pointless.

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