
Need to find article on unfair insurance practices when it comes to auto collisions and choice of bidy shop?

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people think they have to go with body shops that insurance companies recommend. I think it's wrong




  1. Depends what State your in.  In California insurance companies can not force you to use their shops.  Insurance companies have to read you a statement telling you that you have the option to choose your own shop.   That is the law that they read it to you.  

    Insurance companies contract with many shops and usually offer you guarantees on the work.  It helps hold your insurance rates down.

  2. In Uk you do not have to but the rub here is that if the repair goes wrong and you are with the insurers recomended repairers they will take matters up for you but if you insist on your own reparer yoy are on your own if things go wrong. money always talks

  3. aka:  Preferred vehicle repair shops (Euphemism used in the industry)

    Start with the Insurance Bureau of Canada. They clearly state that it is an option, not a requirement.

    The Bureau will also act as a mediator between you and the insurer if necessary.

  4. Most states do not force you to choose where to take your vehicle for repairs...

    If you use the ones your insurance companies recommend they are usually guaranteed work at 100%.  If you choose another shop ANY!!!! errors or problems will be your responsibility.  Most companies also require they insurance adjusters to look at your vehicle PRIOR to any work being performed so they know what is done before any repairs and that is normal and standard procedure. This is in your best interest as well. so it is preferred you let your company and their company look at the vehicle..estimates are just that an company may have better parts equipment software and can find cheaper local parts another may have older software and their parts have to be shipped which cost nmore and change the values of the two estimates, so estimates are usually never the same....ONCE work is performed their may also be hidden damages..this can be a cracked bumper absorner that one couldn't see visibly so the estimate may increase..THIS IS OK if it is determined to be accident related..FYI***THERE IS A HUGE RISK IN USING SHOPS YOU CHOOSE UNLESS YOU PERSONALLY KNOW THEIR WORK...*Insurance companies pay people to research and monitor body shops who they place on their lists, in most states it is illegal to get any amount of the shops profits..they are partnerred with trust and confidence and recommendations..if a shop has angry customers reviews, service and work they are quickly and easily removed because other shops WANT to be in connection with free recomendation and customers**  If you go to a shop who owes back taxes it is your responsibility to ask, because the govmnt will take their back taxes due amount from any work performed by that shop...If the company that you choose disagree's with the bill they can hold your vehicle until their pymnt is made and won't care if you are in the middle..If you choose your own shop and they pait your maroon car red is some areas it is your responsibility to get it corrected.  It is not worth the risk.  I ALWAYS use their shop because they have to fix the damages and return you to a rental if it is something their shop did wrong...

    If you use your choosen shop good luck..sorry so long

  5. The keyword here, is "recommend".  No, you do not have to use their referral shops.  However, if you use their shops, the work is guaranteed.

    If you need to know more about "unfair insurance practices", contact your state's Insurance Commissioner.

  6. In UK we have had really bad service (twice) by using the insurers recommended body shops. In fact, one of them tried to seriously rip us off. Also, we had v poor service on 2 occassions using the insurers recommended law firms. Never again! Best get your own people. It's your car and you have the right to get the job done to your satisfaction. Insurance industry is commercial theft, they are happy to take your premiums but try to avoid paying out.

  7. repair shop is your choice.  If your in California, you can contact the DOI (department of insurance) for a copy of unfair practices.

  8. read your state rules regarding this.  They are available on-line.  You may take your car to the body shop of your choice.

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