
Need to get flexible for dance! What do i do?

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I need to get as flexible as possible for dance. i am starting dance for my first time and I hear it helps to be flexible. I don't know what stretches to do.Im not very flexible now. I almost have my left split but i don't have my right. Can someone tell me what stretches to do that helps with the things you have to do in dance. also how long will it take to get really flexible. I want to become more flexible in my legs and back and stuff like that.




  1. All you can do is stretch.  

    If you want to get your right and left splits there is one stretch that is very helpful.  Put your back leg back like you are going into the splits but instead of keeping your front leg straight forward, bend it and sit in that position. Another way is just to try and push down into them as far as you can go and just stay there and you will get stretched out easily.

    Stretch your back by either going up in a bridge or doing the seal stretch (self explanitory).

    Do the butterfly for the middle splits.

    Have fun in dance!

  2. legs(splits)- to do the splits i will take awile, do these streaches every day and you should  be able to the spits in 2-7weeks.

    1- preperation: put a warm water bag on your split area for 3min.(make sure you are whereing lose shorts or sweat pants)

    2- preperation streaches: spread your legs apart as far as they can go comfortably. keep your legs strait  and reach for each foot from side to side, then hold it on one side for 1 or 2 min then switch sides. then bring your legs together and reach for your toes without bending your legs. hold for 2 or 3 min.

    3- holding streaches: go down in any splits as far as you can go, put a pillow under you and rest your split area on the pillow and hold for a while (30 mins), watch t.v , listen to music, or read to pass the time.

    4- with friends streaches: me and my friends do this all the time. right and left leg split: have a pillow or icecube to bite on while you do this streach. lay down on your back have one person hold down your leg and have another person lift your other leg to 90 degrees, then 95(hold for 5min) 100(hold) and go on untill you reach 180degrees. straddel splits: sperad your legs as far apart as possible, have a friend put ther feet on your ankels and push back your legs as far back as they can.(make sure you are up aganst a wall)

    back(bridge,backbend) the brige shouldn't take to long to learn, 1-2 weeks.

    preperation- where lose fitting colthes and make sure you are on a soft surface i.e mats, grass ect.

    preperation streaches- touch you toes, hold for 8-10 min. curl up into a ball and roll on your back 20 times back, forth 1 back, forth 2 and on.


    holding streaches- hold the bridge as high as and good as you can 2-3min(don't stay up-side-down to long, if you feel dizzy come down and get some water.) once you do get your brige keep your arms strait.

    with friend streaches- we used to do this streach we can all do it now. stand with your legs more then sholder lenght apart. have a friend stand behind you and you should bend back and follow them down like a ladder once you reach the bottom put your hands on the ground and straiten your arms. keep on dooing that untill you can go down without useing them.

  3. well you heard correctly that its good to be flexible. first of all try your splits each side and each leg holding that positions for 2 minutes each. also try "frog splits" which is sitting in middle splits with your legs bent and laying on your stomach. this works your rotation of the hips. also for back strength try laying on your stomach and riseing your head upwards and holding that position. it works your back muscles. it takes a while to become flexible, but if you work at it 2 times a day (when you wake up and before bed) then you will see improvement. good luck!

  4. just stretch.

    once you feel a muscle pulling, thats stretching it and making a little more flexible each time.

    ut only push it to a minimum amount of pain each time, because you dont want to pull anything before dance starts.

    try your best to keep your stretch for at least 15 seconds, and add incresaingly as needed.

    do this at least once or twice a day.

    but the more that you do it, the more flexible you will get

  5. The first thing is to not rush it.  Trying to get to flexible too quickly will lead to injury.  When you are doing your stretches remember to take deep breaths.

    That said, start with stretching your neck, then your back.  That will allow you to work on your extremities (arms, legs) freely.  Look left, then right a few times, then tilt your head to one side then the other a few times.  I know it sounds boring, but it does help.  Then stand with your feet hip width apart and roll your head down, so that your top vertabra goes lower, then the next one until your head is as close to the floor as possible.  Relax in this position and remember to breath.  After you are there for a while then you can reach for the floor.

    Then roll your back up the opposite way, lifting your lowest vertebra first, then the next lowest and so on until you're standing again.  

    After that then you're ready for the actual stretches.  Lay on your back with your legs straight in front of you, then lift your left leg so that your left knee is directly above your left hip.  Grab that knee with your right hand, look to the left with your left arm at shoulder level flat on the ground, and pull your left leg (and lower half of body) towards your right side.  It should be a twist from your middle/lower back, keeping your left shoulder on the ground.  Then repeat on the other side.

    I'm sure others will give you good leg specific stretches, or you can find them online.  This is just a routine to do before the more intense stretches that will prevent you from injuring yourself.

    Good luck and don't try to hurry your progress too much.

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