
Need to get my anger out?

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okay so heres what happened... there was this guy that told me he liked me. of course i liked him back. well i just found out today that he liked my best friend. he told me to my face. she likes him to now and thats fine with me. im just mad that he lied to me then turned around and uses me for my best friend. theres been about 3 guys that tell me they like me. then dont ask me out. then find someone better and completely ditch me. im so freaking sick of not being good enough. my whole life ive always been told that im not good enough. all i am is a failure. i hate it so much. ughhh im going crazy. idk what to do anymore




  1. Are you in high School? It sounds familiar.

    I would say join a fighting gym of some kind if you can. I train at a MMA and Kickboxing gym a few times a week for about 2 hrs. I feel relieved by the end of each class.

  2. You are not crazy at all.  This happens all the time to different people.  You just don't realize it because its not you.  You have to be careful when you date someone. Your best friend is not really your best friend is she if she is willing to stab you in the back like that.  A best friend would have turned her back on your boyfriend and not want to betray you.   I am sure that this will happen again not because you are a failure but because this is just life.  People can be cruel these days and they look out only for themselves.  Learn from your mistake.  Pick a different kind of guy, pick friends that are like you and like the things you like.  Pick guys that will treat you like you deserve to be treated from the very start.  If you don't like what you see then you be the one to end things next time.  There will be signs that things are not working out.  You will be fine.  Believe it or not this is part of growing up into adult hood.

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