
Need to get rid of cockroaches?

by Guest21503  |  earlier

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Please do not answer this just to get points. I need answers from people who have rid the pest from their lives.




  1. I used a powder in a yellow container and unfortunately I forgot the name.The roach motel didn't work and neither did the bombs

  2. Combat Roach gel will bring them in to feed and carry it back to their nests where they die.  It works great.

  3. Roaches need to drink water.  Just a drop will do.  The sweat from a cold pipe is plenty.  Put a vigorous amount of boric acid powder or (roach powder if you will).under all sources of water.  Like kitchen sinks and bathroom sinks.  On the floor behind toilets.  It will take some time but it will get rid of them.  Leave it lay if for some reason you need to clean it up put more down.

  4. If you live in an attatched dwelling ( condo, townhouse, apartment ) make sure your neighbors are treating at the same time, or the little buggers will just go back and forth.

    Another good option, get a cat. I have had a cat for 8 years, and have never seen a cockroach. When I lived in a condo, I had them, until I got a cat.

    Good Luck!

  5. Use those house bombs they cell in the stores....they really work if you do it every couple of weeks consistent for like three months it works, the downside is you have to leave your home for about five hours and air it out when you come back...

  6. You call a professional exterminator and they will do it for you. But if you must do it yourself there is one serious way but it takes ALOT of work. You need to do a thorough cleaning of your home concentrating on closets and all cabinets and dressers. Throw all absolutely unneccessary clutter out or donate to good will. Get rid of any paper items, cardboard (if you need to store things it should always be plastic storage boxes you can buy for cheap anywhere), newspaper, etc (they live off that stuff). After you home is free from any clutter you must plant those roach bombs (foggers, the best brand) and leave the home for the time the instructions tell you. When you come back, you have to clean the home from top to bottom (walls, floors, inside &outside cabinets, etc.). Then you have to place the best and latest kind of Combat motel baits everywhere. Now you can relax knowing that you are roach free because the few that have escaped the fogger will die from the motels. In order for them to never come again you have to keep the place clean and change the motels every 6 months.

  7. Clean!!

    Get rid of All food that isn't properly Sealed.

    Vacuum really well to remove any tiny food particles that they could be feeding on.

    Clean the kitchen really well. Don't leave food OR water in the sink for them.

    Once everything is really cleaned, Remove any pets and get a fogger, that kills Roaches.

    If you live in an apartment, you might have to get the neighbors involved as well. Otherwise, If you fog in your unit, they move next door, and then can return when the fog is gone.

    Once you have fogged the place, Keep it clean, keep all food and Water out of the sink. They come looking for Water. Don't leave dirty plates and glasses for them to come snack on.

    Good Luck!

  8. This depends on what kind of roaches you are talking about and where you live. If you live in someplace like Florida and have American roaches(big, ugly, slower kind) then you simply have to use regular pest control service and of course keep a clean house. These bugs are outside all the time so you need a barrier to keep them out. Despite what anyone tells you, you will NEVER keep them out without paying for good regular pest service. Even with that, you might have an inevitable few get in from time to time. It sucks, but that's life in semi-tropical climate. Usually if your house is away from trees and mulch (wet ground) you'll be MUCH better off. Also, in an apartment or condo you are pretty much screwed as the roaches will travel from unit to unit through the walls and only pesticidal barrier will stop them - even that takes time so you are likely to see them dying around the house.

    IF you have German roaches (small, fast) then you'll need a serious pest bombing and major cleaning. USUALLY those kinds of roaches are there for a reason - lack of cleanliness, apartment has them, etc. IMO they are much worse than American roaches..

  9. Borac acid that is sold in bottles or a box(powder)in laundry detergent area,however do not use where small children are. It's inexpensive,easy to find(Walmart,Target) and works miracles. Good luck.

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