
Need to get slimmer in nice words-ballet

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my ballet teacher has decided to get serious about weight, and according to her I need to loose about 7lbs at least. I am 5'4 at the moment and go walking a lot, I have around three dance classes a week and do quite a bit of yoga. help me, How am I meant to loose that much weight??

reposting for more answers!!!

Maybe a few excersise plans and food plans would be good.




  1. This kind of depends on how much you weigh to begin with. Definitely don't go into an eating disorder.

    Just eat healthy and balance it out with your exercise. Ballet should really be all about who you are. That's what makes it unique. I don't believe weight should matter.

    Are you in a professional studio? If so, that may be why weight is beginning to become important...but for regular studios...I can't see why it would be a problem.

    Maybe talk to your instructor about some ideas. They are the one who wants you to lose the they should have some specific ideas for you....

  2. ok i am also a dancer and my teacher is also picky about weight first of all don't feel bad your not fat and there is nothing wrong with you it's just to keep you healthier

    #1 don't lift weights or anything that would build muscle this will add more weight

    #2 try something cardio my best suggestion is get an excersise video for zumba yea it's weired and you prob never heard of it look it up on line it's is cardio and if you do about an hour every other day you will loose the weight in like 1 or 2 weeks no kidding it burns 1000 calories and hour

    #3 and another big thing is to eat right and make sure you eat breakfast it really helps

    mine ??;...

    x*x good luck x*x

  3. try south beach diet, it will slim you up fast!

  4. Don't try so much to lose the weight try harder to eat healthier cuz that will help you lose weight. if you build up muscle your going to gain weight and you need to buil up muscle to be a better dancer so that is another issue you'll have to overcome. you should also check with your parent/gaurdian to see if they aprove of you losing weight =)

    Good Luck

  5. like I said beafore go vegan some time you have to diet and exersise you can't get skinny if you eat fried chicken and a cheesey bisket sorry for the bad spelling  

  6. I agree with Tessa :) Its not about going on a diet its about "eating healthy" diets will only stuff up your matobolism, if you eat 3 square meals a deal (porpotioned) and nuts, low sugar and fat snacks to help ease the hunger, hopefully you'll start seeing improvements.

    Your doing the exercise, try and focus on eating, small, healthier foods.

    See your local nutrionist, it'll be a wise start.

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