
Need to get very flexible in a short amount of time! HELP!?

by Guest60121  |  earlier

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As a figure skater, I have to be very flexible and on top of my game but as i've been away from the sport for about a year, all my flexiblility has gone ( i can't even touch my toes!). If anyone has any advice on how to get me back to doing the splits and loosening my hamstrings, I'd be very greatful!!




  1. I'm a figure skater too... and flexibility takes time to acquire... and it would really be very painful if u force yourself to be flexible in a short amount of time. The best way to get flexible is to maybe practice stretching everyday...Or maybe.. you could either take up ballet or gymnastics to get flexible. But to tell you the truth, I've taken up ballet and gymnastics. And I stopped and started Ice skating. But I am still flexible until now cuz I stretch everyday... Just try practicing yourself and what might you know, you might be flexible in no time!!!

  2. Hold it longer, and stretch all the time! It won't just come to you, you need to go get it.

  3. As others have stated, it takes time. So get started. I come from martial arts background and for a guy I do OK WRT stretch. I believe you should stretch from the floor up. Start with your calves, then your hamstrings and quads, lower back to the neck; don't forget the shoulders and arms. Slow and controlled is best and don't forget to breathe. Sounds funny but some people hold their breath while they stretch. Start to finish should take 15-20 minutes. Stretch once a day every day. I have come to believe that stretching is the fountain of youth. It's also the best way to avoid injury during training. Never, never stretch cold. I do 100 jumping jacks, a light jog of two minutes, 10-20 push ups, and 20 or so sit ups before I start. Good Luck.

  4. Flexibility does not come quickly, and forcing yourself will probably result in a torn muscle.

    Stretching after doing a warm up (like running) and in a warm room will help your muscles relax. If you stretch at every possible moment, your flexibility will return.

    Unfortunately, like I said, there's no quick fix.

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