
Need to identify crawling weed!

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This weed seems to be crawling over and under my lawn. The roots of this plant are amazing! A web of roots under the lawn! Please help me find the name of it!





  1. This is field bindweed and is difficult to control. If it is in your lawn try a selective herbicide like weed-be-gone. Be prepared to put down several applications

  2. I have the same stuff in my planters.  It grows up on shrubs and practically strangles my roses.  I can't get rid of it, but what I was going to do is put some in a zip-lock bag and take it to a local nursery to see what they suggest.  I'll never get rid of it completely because the neighbor has a bunch of it, and never pulls it out or sprays it.  I can't stand the stuff.  When I try to pull it out, it disturbs all of my mulch too because of the long roots.

  3. I'm not positive, but it looks a lot like trailing vinca... vinca minor or vinca major. It grows quickly and roots very, very easily. Some folks use it as a ground cover in place of ivy or asiatic jasmine & such.

    As for how to get rid if it? I'm not sure about that either. But Atrazine might work.  

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