
Need to interview parent of a special education student about the school system they are in?

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What do you expect from the special services at the school?

Does the school come to you for input dealing with your child's education?

Do you go to IEP meeting and give opinions on what is best for your child?

DO you like the way the IEP system is set up?

What do you like most about your child's education? the least?

What do you feel the school could do to improve its services to your child?

Do you agree with the idea of full inclusion?

Do you think that your child's education is preparing them for the world away from school?




  1. My 6 year old has a speech/languange retrieval delay, fine and gross motor skills delay and signs for dysgrapha.

    What do you expect from the special services at the school?

    Provide the tools needed for my child to learn.

    Does the school come to you for input dealing with your child's education? I was his K teacher that came to me and started tracking him. Then at the beginning of grade 1, I went to the teacher explained what was going on, she consulted with the K teacher the came to me requesting testing. All the teachers (including EC) are very good about sending home tools and information.

    Do you go to IEP meeting and give opinions on what is best for your child? Yes-many of my suggestions were already put in place.

    DO you like the way the IEP system is set up? For now it is working OK, the documentation seems to be somewhat of a "form letter". In the future I may need to identify the exact accomindations that will be need. Example: graphic organizers

    What do you like most about your child's education? The schools moto is "It is not how smart is your child but how is your child smart?" They follow throught will multisensory learning with the children at all levels.  

    the least? Follow through (typical of any public school) Once my child reaches grade level he will be dropped form additional services but doesn't mean that he has reached his full potential (we will have to see how this works out). Additionaly, while we have the resorces for LD kids and the average child there are not enough resorces for all the kids that could take advantage of TD.

    What do you feel the school could do to improve its services to your child? This is just the system ... he doesn't meet requirements for speech or OT. As for speech ... may not actually help the retrieval issue but OT could definatly improve fine and gross moter skills along with lessioning the markers for dysgrapha. This may be another LD battle to fight with in the next year.

    Do you agree with the idea of full inclusion? Hard to say, our school teaches very fulid with a lot of small group moving around. Inclusion works well at this age. He is still taken out 45 min. a day to work on his specific need and skills. As they get older it will be difficult to challange all the children at all the levels. If they still use the same phlysophy of fulid teaching it will work.

    Do you think that your child's education is preparing them for the world away from school? He is too young to tell but if he receives the tools to work with his LD I have all the confidence that he will prosper in life.

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