
Need to kill mosquitos without harming small children. What can I use? Thanks?

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I am having a small party for my 1 year old this Saturday. I was told by the homeowner that the mosquitos would have to be dealt with if I wanted to use her backyard. What product can I use between now and Saturday to ward or kill off any mosquitos without being harmful to children in any way? If I use something now will it still be working by 3pm Saturday? Thats the time of the party. Thank you.




  1. I don't believe there are any permanent fixes for killing mosquitoes.

    But there are lots of repellents you can use for them at the time of the party.

    I know that Avon skin-so-soft works, from experience.

    There is a lot of talk about Listerine the cheapest kind, in a bottle sprayed on things around the yard.

    Of course there are the repellents that are made for that purpose, like Off.

    The problem with spraying your yard with an insecticide is by Saturday the neighbors mosquitoes may want to come to the party:(

    Here is a link for additional information

  2. I have kids too and I use the following products in my yard. We have 5 acres near a state park in NJ and in addition to mosquitoes from a nearby creek we also have deer that wander in to our vegetable garden and leave ticks behind. We just fenced our yard but ticks get carried on other animals like squirrels so they get around. I assume you are using someone else's yard so all of the products in the links may not be ideal for you but check and see if you can borrow some. The fogger is only good if it is not too windy and you have to use it every day for a few days to kill all of the bugs. The Ortho Max garden hose attachment is very good 3 or 4 days in advance and of course the citronella lamps are priceless they do work. We have several bug zappers in and outside our home they keep down the bug population considerably. Check all the links below all of them used together are the best. By the way make sure you keep the lamps out of reach of kids up high is good but it should not fall. I never use those open flame torches they can start a fire way too easy. You can keep the lamps on the floor till the kids arrive then put them in a safe place. I have a metal stake 6 foot holder and another one I hang from a tree.

    Enjoy the party.

  3. Make sure there is no standing water anywhere. Purchase a few citronella plants and put some citronella candles up high somewhere. At 3:00 in the afternoon you shouldn't have much of a mosquito problem. It's usually mornings and nights that they are out thick. I don't care for the mosquito repellent that you spray on your skin it's harmful to your health but some people do use it and it seems to help.

  4. Skeeters are territorial, they do not travel more that about 100 meeters to feed. I keep an electric bug zapper in the back yard, entertaining and effective.

  5. i say put basil plants all over!!! they take away bugs not kill em but that just means less bugs on u and more bugs on neighber!!!!

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