
Need to know everything about homeschool!!!??!!! any help?

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ok. i really really wanna get homeschool,and my mom is ok with it she told me she likes the idea,but she talked to the counselours at school and they told her that she has to look over the net to find a site where we could actually get started im a freshman and i need to know,where? and how i can get started? any websites you can recommend? and how does this work?!! i really need a quick answer !! thank you lots!




  1. I don't think it is possible for a single person to "know everything" about homeschool.

    Every homeschool group and every homeschool family and child is as different as 2 snowflakes.  That is the beauty and sometimes frustration with homeschooling... it is your own unique educational creation!

    You do not have to do an online program but that is an option.

    As far as getting started as a mid-year freshman... I would think you would want to continue your current courses... so, for each one find some material (books, workbooks, dvds) that you and your parents think you can learn from.

  2. Just do a search for home school high school curriculum & you will find lots of stuff.

  3. there are places all over

    You need to find out your state laws and restrictions.

    Basically you have options in SOME not all states

    virtual school (on line) which you have to pay for (except in a few states that offer it free to residents)

    school in a box, software and books sent to you, which you have to pay for

    free form method in which you obtain books from many sources includes Barnes and Nobel, Sams Clubs, a corresppondce school or school in a box that offers individual courses, unschooling (educational hobbies like chemistry, astronomy, electronics, computer programming).

    you have to cover the materials required for college and your state of residence if any apply

    depending on your state law you parents may have to notify officials by a specific date, keep records, send in reports.  some states require nothing special at all.

    Texas is easy, Calfiornia and New York difficult to work with.

    some programs offer an accredited diploma others don't and you either go the GED route or apply to college and take your SAT tests and ccollege placement tests

    California will let you got to Junior College if you are 18 even without a HS diploma

    NY won't you must have at least a GED to go to any college.

    To get into college you need to master




    english grammar and comp

    writing styles like APA


    math chemistry or physics

    some states let you participate in PE, school sports, dances, choir, drama

    other don't

    the rest is up to u

  4. We have been home schooling for many years, and I am here to say we still do not, nor will we ever know "everything" about home schooling.

    Home schooling is a very individualized method of giving young people an education, and preparation for adult life.

    There are several web sites available that have compiled a lot of information on home schooling, the methods, and they also provide links to many others that may be of interest to someone starting out, or just wanting to do some research.

    These may be a good place to start;


  5. For homeschooling information that includes a variety of viewpoints, go here:

    You need to find out about homeschooling and all your options. Virtual school is often just like public school, only at home. So, if your goal is to complete a public school curriculum at home, then by all means check them out, but remember that they do not represent traditional homeschooling because of the limitations of the public schools that back them.

    If you lack academic challenge in public school, your better bet is to design your own curriculum or find an online school (non-public school related) that can help meet your needs.

    Good luck!  Please email me with any questions...


  6. good place to start is to know the law in your area! will help you out with that. Then you need to find a curriculum! There are many to choose from. Do you want an on-line course? What's allowed in your state? Do you want real books? Do you want mom to grade or send it in to a teacher? What are you interested in? Do they offer electives you want? If not then do a search for that elective! The great part of home schooling is you can learn what ever you want! If your interested in it you can pursue it! That's not to say you can slack off in math if you hate it or its boring there are requirements but it does mean that if studying science you find something that fascinates you then by all means go study it further! That's what true learning is all about!

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