
Need to know things about volleyball... well i can help.. i know everything about vball i practice with pros?

by  |  earlier

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ask me anything you need to know about volleyball and i will come up with an answer for you ... so go ahead and ask as many ?'s as you want




  1. alex this is for you, i never really played volleyball but i just moved to Maine from cape cod and they had some pretty good teams there so idk if you live near the cape but they must have something, also you cant beat the cape in the summer, best place to be.

  2. I have the most problems with hitting and serving. With hitting I know the foot work, but I can never get the timing right, and am not able to get a hard hit. Do you have any tips?  Serving..if I'm right handed do I start with my right or left foot in front...or does it matter?Any suggestions on how to hit an ace? Thanks for helping me out...

  3. how do i increase my vertical jump? im good at hitting, but i want to be better. what methods should i do? and how long will it take?

  4. I can't serve overhanded, everybody has tried to help me for 3 years now and my form is good I just can't get the ball over!!!! HELP!!!!

  5. I want so bad to make try out for the freshman team this up coming school year. However, I have no experience. What are your thoughts, do you know any exercises I can do over the summer? I want to make the team more than anything, or do you think I am going to be too behind?

  6. thanks for the points

  7. i live in ma ... do you know any good camps?

  8. Okay.


    this might seem odd, but how can I get in the best shape for volleyball within about a 2 to 3 month period? I have summer to get ready for volleyball and I need some help.

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