
Need to know what is better.?

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which is better bording school, Public school, or home schooling.




  1. Well I started homeschooling because it seemed like I was the only one in public that was taking the class seriously and wanted to learn. The other kids would be drawing questionable pictures and what not while the teacher just continued to try and teach the ones listening. It was ridiculous. I loved school, but I hated the atmosphere. So i'm homeschooled and am so glad I don't have to be around that. So it just depends on the reason you want to home school. It isn't easy so make sure it's something you want to do.

  2. Depends on the person and their situation or the schools involved.

  3. Everyone is paying for the public schools whether you go or not. The public schooling would be cheaper. Next would likely be home schooling. Bording school is very similar to college where you are paying for everything. Education-wise, it all depends on the environments and individual. Home schooling is geared towards the family, but has the potential problem of social alienation/atrophy since the student doesn't interact with  peers. Bording schools work well for people who are in a particular click (religious, financial, social), but maybe not for a rather regular student of no persuasion. Like anything else you want to spend on, you need to shop and compare. Involve the potential student as much as possible in the decision.

  4. It all depends on you and your life. Public school is working well for my daughter right now but for the past 2 1/2 years she was homeschooled. My son went to 6th grade in public school but is now home for 7th. It all depends on life situations and whether you are thriving in public, home, or private schooling.

    I find that at home my children have the ability to learn a variety of things where in public school they are told what they can and can't learn.

  5. Which is best?

    A hammer, an apple, or the color red?

    Like others have said, it depends on your goal!

  6. It's different for everyone -depending what their situation, life, environment is like.

    For me.. Homeschooling!

  7. Like others have said it depends on the person, the situation, the family...

    However my very general answer would be, (I took the liberty of adding a few other choices to the list):

    First choice:   Homeschooling

    Second Choice: Private School

    Third Choice:  Public School Alternative Program (Public school at home, charter school, etc.)

    Fourth Choice:  Public School (the parent should be involved).

    Flat out LAST RESORT:  Boarding School

    In case you wonder why Boarding school would be a last resort, its because it splits up families and puts kids in an institutional setting.  I really don't think that is the ideal environment to grow up in, no matter how good the boarding school is.

  8. It's different for everyone

    Depending what their situation,I have a nice site for u where u can get information about Home Schooling.

    Or use search on this site.

    Best Regards

    I Hop U like My Answer


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