
Need to know what my kids would enjoy on our trip to Florence, Italy?

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My kids are 6 and 9, and i know we have to see the museums .. but are there kid activities in Florence?




  1. Kids would not like Florence, but they would love Cinque Terre.  It's 5 towns built cliff side with trails between each, spectacular views, and a beach.

    It' about 2 hours north of Florence by train.

    You could stop by Pisa on the way.

  2. 6 & 9 year old kids will be bored out of they're minds with Florence. It's a great place for adults, even young adults will have a nice time with the history. But kids under 12 will be completely bored...

    They may enjoy Rome or Venice better.

  3. I replied the same question from a mother last week:

    There are lots of museums in Florence which might be boring for kids but depending on their interests you can turn the tour into something fun.

    Giardini Boboli are beautiful gardens you can visit:

    Don't forget to buy gelato to them on Ponte Vecchio:

    They might find interesting Leonardo Da Vinci's museum:

  4. I have to disagree with the first answer - my kids are 7 and 10 and we have been here for 3 years and there is a lot to do for them.

    Some of the highlights for kids:

    1. Climbing the Duomo (or the Campanile)

    2. Visiting the Boboli Gardens

    3. La Specola - which almost no one knows of and kids love

    4. A visit to the ruins of Santa Reparata (this is inside and underneath the Duomo - down a set of stairs after you enter).

    5. There is a merry-go-round (giostra) in Piazza Repubblica

    6. Gelato!

    That is just off the top of my head. If you are here for awhile and have a car, there is a good zoo in Pistoia that makes a fun day for kids too.

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