
Need to know where I stand in this legal situation? (PLEASE HELP!)

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I am an international student from azerbajian and I work at a ymca camp in california. Recently I found out I would be charged 1,100 dollars for using the camps phone to call home to azerbaijan. I had no idea I would be charged so much. I do not have much money on hand (300) dollars to pay this bill and have 3 paychecks worth 300 dollars being held by my employer. Can I be forced to pay for this bill with the cash I have on hand and what are my legal obligations? Can they force me and my parents to pay them back? I work on an J-1 visa which expires in october. If I were to withhold some money would it be bad? Any help would be great.

I figure they would be able to with hold the rest of my paychecks and even possibly sue me. However would legal action cost them alot more money. If its 1100 dollars and they take 300 of it I would only owe 800. Is it worth forcing me to cough up this cash by taking costly legal action?




  1. I almost certainly know that this had to be more than one call, probably many over several weeks or a month.The will find a way to make you pay the bill, even if it means suing you or garnishing your wages.I know it may sound bad, but just pay the bill as quickly as you can and try using the internet  to email or make calls,next time.

  2. They will just deduct it from your pay until paid off

  3. You have a real problem on your hands.  How could you run up such a high phone bill?  Please don't tell us you didn't know it would be that high ... you couldn't possibly be that stupid!  If everything you say is accurate you can only hope that they will accept a partial payout and call it even.  Make that proposal and see if they agree.  They have every right to collect every penny you owe, so be nice and hope they are willing to work with you on this.  You are a guest in this country and shouldn't be trying to find a way out of a situation you created.  Oh, by the way ... stay the heck off the blasted phone!!

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