
Need to learn how to play baseball by tomorow!!!!! need help!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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hi i recently was signed up by my friend to a summer baseball team, its a pretty competitive team to, and i need to learn how to play baseball by tomorow so i don't embaras myself, I have no idea how to play baseball and never have in my life, I've never even threw a ball before, and have never touched a baseball bat please help! my friend is bringin his cute sister and i need to impres her! plz help!! i need to know how to do every place. thanks guys.




  1. Why did you sign in the first place if you have no knowledge and experience! You either grow up with baseball or adapt to it with heart over time. It'll take much more than one day to learn or experience the game.

  2. seems like u out of luck.just keep ur eye on the ball batting or fielding.of course theres more to baseball then that but u dont become a baseball player overnight.u have to practice too.oh well good luck homie

  3. You've already embarrassed yourself with your grammar and spelling. inb4tdown

  4. theres no way to learn baseball in one nite without actually playing your out of luck man i would just try and do your best and have fun

  5. Hitting the ball: the best stance is to have your legs shoulder with apart. whilst swinging keep your back foot on the ground always watch the ball hit the bat. IF you are short you have an advantage cuz they mite walk you. but if you seriously cant hit lean into the ball and take first.

    BAserunning: if you are fast get a good lead off about 10 feet from the bag. if you are slow stay closer. when the ball is pitched and you think you can make it to second with out geting out that is called stealing

    playing infield: 1b stay close to the bag so you can get the throws. 2b your job is to backup 2nd when catcher throws ball to ss  to tag out runner. when ball is hit to you throw to first. ss you get the throw down to second. 3rd base has to scoot up a bit to get the bunt. 3b has to be brave cuz foul balls and fair come at you fast!

    Outfield. just catch the d**n balls that are hit to you.

  6. im sorry man..but you're up a creek without a paddle...or a boat for that matter..

  7. if you right handed, you throw with your right hand and put the glove on your left hand. if you hit right, go stand on the plate and look at the mound,the bump right in the middle of the infield, the infield being the area where all the bases are, the bases being the square white things that are called 1st, 2nd, 3rd base and the home is right in front of the catcher, who catches the ball from the pitcher, and the pitcher stands on the mound. if you hit right, step on the plate look at the mound and you would then hit in the box to your left, if you hit lefty then you would hit in the box to your right. you might want to do this before the game so you dont embarass yourself infront of the girl.

    1st basemen plays right by 1st, 2 plays inbetween 1st and 2nd but closer to 2nd. 3rd basemen plays next to 3rd base, and shortstop plays inbetween 3rd and 2nd base but closer to 2nd.  left field plays in the left part of the outfield if you are looking at it, right field plays in the right field, and center plays in the center, in case you couldnt pick that up.

    when hitting, you strike out after 3 strikes or walk after 4 balls. a foul ball counts as a strike unless you have 2 strikes. its a full count when you have 2 strikes and 3 balls.

    visiting team bats first in what is called the top of the inning. the home team bats second in the bottom of the inning.

    if the home team is winning after the top half of the last inning, then the home team doesnt have to bat again.

    hope this helps, and good luck. oh yea, catch with two hands. and after you hit the ball, run to first, then second, then third, and then home. and if you hit the ball over the fence its called qa home run.

  8. Interesting, I've noticed not one of you has taught the kid how to FIELD a freaking ball.

    GROUNDERS - (pray to god you don't get a liner in your nerdy face)

    A. when fielding a ground ball, you want to get directly in front of it, so if the ball takes a bad hop, you taking it in the face or chest so the ball doesn't get past you.

    B. Get in a "ready" position, Bend your Knee slightly and keep your back strait. have your hands wide and low when the ball is near you, your going to want to have your Glove (what you catch with) and performing a scooping motion with the glove scrapping the grass (or dirt depending on where your playing). your throwing hand should be hovering above the glove ready to grab the ball and throw to the corresponding base (generally 1st, unless your in the outfield (where you belong)).

    ask to play "right field" because the least amount of balls will be hit out there (if your lucky).

    Either way, i would assume your screwed because you've never been athletic in your life. the girl will hate you, and everything else that looks like you.

    You may have Down Syndrome if you've never played/seen baseball before.

  9. go to wikipedia and buy a good luck charm

  10. Less time trolling, more time practicing.

  11. Man you're screwed. I would catch the 1 day flu for tommorow if I were you. You would need a week of practice just to throw right. Start in a mirror right now!

  12. ask your friend to show u a good stance, then dont swing, maybe you will walk or get hit by the pitch on purpose. Or fake an injury or u could maybe not go???

  13. hahahahahahaha. You have no chance to learn how to play baseball in one day.

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