Hi, Im 25 years old and weight 104kgs. I was previously 90kgs 2 years ago but gained weight coz i was diagonised with asthma and so had to take a pump called Foracort 200, which contains a steroid that makes you gain weight. Now even though im a little conscious of what i eat im not losing weight. I have joined a gym 4 months ago and thank God for that my weight has stopped increasing and is constant . But i still want to lose more weight and atleast get back to being normal. Since im living in a polluted city called Bombay i have to use the Inhaler twice a day which again means more steroid. Please tell me what can i do to lose this weight and keep it off, I just want to lose atleast 10kgs by Jan coz im getting married that time. I also cant have cooling stuff like watermelon, lemons cause i get a cold instantly and then again I fall sick. Please help me, I seriously want to look like a beautifull bride on my wedding day.