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does any one know if you can buy bloodroot salve in new zealand. if so where from




  1. It would be safer to have it done by your doctor.  Doing it yourself may cause excessive scarring. If you do it yourself, you will very likely damage the tissue around the lesion.  The doctor would not....

    If it's a mole, you need a medical evaluation anyhow, to be sure it isn't cancerous.  If it's a wart you are trying to get rid of, again, a doctor can do it for you, much safer, less scarring.

    This is YOUR body.  You don't want bad scarring, if you can avoid it.  Are you even sure whether it's a wart or a mole?  You also have no way of knowing how deep it is. What are you going to do if it starts bleeding, and you can't stop it? There is a high risk of infection, with doing it yourself.

    Your doc will numb it, and it will all be over in minutes.  If he suspects it's cancer, he will send it to pathology.  Please think hard about doing it yourself....I hope you aren't trying to purchase it for any reason other than mole/wart removal..

  2. what the heck are u talking about?? is this a video game or for real because that would be illegal and bad.


    Blood Root

    Blood Root powder

    I hope you know what you doing!
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