
Need to remember the menu, any waitresses with tips??

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Does anyone have any tips on how i can remember the menu at the restraunt i just started working at? I dont have all day to practice the menu because i work full time in an office, im now working nights and weekends waitressing. I need to remember the menu and take a verbal test.. any tips please!!!




  1. flash cards. menu name on front, ingredients on the back. worked for me

  2. I've had to learn some pretty big menus. The best way I know of is to break the menu down into categories ( Apps, Entrees, Salads etc...) and memorize  each category before moving to the next. Don't try to memorize the whole menu at once. You will get overwhelmed.

  3. try some samples of the meals to remember them.

  4. my advise is to use common sense...a chef salad is pretty much the same everywhere u go

    cheese stix are always served with marinara or pot skins with sour cream....

    try remembering the size of the portion of meat and side dishes that are served with the entrees.

    only focus on hard things and

    any test i have had to take they aren't really strict on and if u get the basics u r ok.

  5. Break down the menu into the catagories..apps,salads, that. Or you could read the menu and start with what sounds the best to you. If you would order it study that first. Other than that i just had to learn as i went along. I have been a waitress for 10 years. Another little tip that is good to know:: don't look at what you are carring. You walk different when you look at it causes spills and if it is soup or coffee it can end bad. You will  be fine. It is very hard but easy at the same time. You will develop a system/routine that works best for you. Everyones is different. It will not happen all once but after a couple nights you will get the hang of it. Good Luck!

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