
Need to remove an abscess/wound, but how?

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I've had this abscess on my lower left back for quite a while now, around 3 months. I've went to the doctor and I have taken 2 rounds of Bactrum and 1 round of Keflex over the three months. The only thing I've noticed is it got smaller, but that's about it.

It doesn't really bother me until I put pressure on it. It seems like the drainage never stops. When I sit on a hard chair, which is occasionally, then it starts to leak.

I take hot showers (if that matters) twice a day, one in the morning and one at night.

Any suggestions?




  1. take a look at websites for:Pilonidal cyst.

    these cysts can remain for years.eventually some have to be removed surgically(if its keep coming back, or not responding to medications)

    I'm not a Dr, I'm just guessing.

  2. Personally, I think I would try icthammol 10% usp with a bandage over the top.  Continue with showers.  But then, I'm not a dr.

  3. Continue to see your Physician, it sounds like you might have a staff infection.  If that is so, a culture needs to be made by the lab to determine which staff infection is present and that will determine which antibiotic to take.

    This should have cleared up by now otherwise.

  4. Sounds like you might have a staph infection.  I had one that took 5 months to clear up completely as long as its getting better keep treating it and keep it clean.  

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