
Need to save organic farm from developers--funding major issue--how? HELP!?

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We, my family, have grown organic veggies in our back yard, containers, window boxes,etc. while talking about a small farm for a few years.

The reasoning is to spread the wealth. Take any surplus to food banks and local churches. Once, they were there for us and payback is only right. WE FOUND THE PERFECT PLACE!

God's guidance or shear dumb luck? But---the timing is rotten. Although remote now, mid-western land developers and paper mill companies are stripping the land around here rapidly.

How do I save 'a little bit of heaven' fast. The owners keep dropping the price and it will get someone's attention soon. This may be a matter of only a few weeks. I'm on prayer groups. We still have one in college. Well, there it is. I am aware of most of the reasonable answers including timing,financial sense--only by seeing it could anyone understand why it SHOULD BE SAVED. rational....probably not. Some things just need to be done. This is one of them. There are several good reasons for doing this.

So, WE NEED PRAYERS. Advise. Suggestions. a miracle would be nice.




  1. Stop whining.  Obviously this isn't the time or place for your farm.  God has other plans for you.

  2. we could invade england and show them whos boss.

  3. You need money to buy the land you want. With that in mind start searching out sponsors for your project and buy ASAP.  


    takes prayers.  

    To raise money, you might make a business plan, and go to lenders; or incorporate, and sell shares.  Sometimes congregations can get low-interest loans.

    If the area gets lots of water, you may be able to grow trees for carbon credits, and build a low-labor-expense business plan based on that.  

  5. Buy it and you can do what you want with it. If somebody else buys it they can do what they want with it. That is called property rights and without those rights we couldn't hold onto freedom.

  6. You could try to pool resources with others in the community and buy the land.  Or you could lodge a complaint with the local planning office if the developers/clear cutters are interfering with your business (growing vegetables).  It all depends on the local laws where you're at though unless the land is somehow historically/ecologically in need of conservation in a demonstrable way.

  7. The only way this will happen is by The People sending a very clear message and demanding laws be set in place to create areas that are off limits to developers.

    In New Zealand we have a very powerful piece of legislation called the Resource management act. It gives the ability of little old Jo Blow to stop the multinationals cold in their tracks. Developers absolutely Hate it. It is because if it is the will of the people for our natural resousces, flora of fauna not to be upset it doesn't happen.

    You need to get the will of the people to stand up and demand the polititians will do what they were elected to do.  Act for the people.

    Also might I suggest prayers will do 3/5 of naff all to help you. You need to get your a into g and make it happen.

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