
Need to signal in dedicated turn lane?

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If I am in the dedicated left turn lane, by law, do i still HAVE to have my left signal blinker on?




  1. Yes you do its the law.......

  2. I would! Just to play it safe and avoid any confusion to the cars behind me.

  3. yes

  4. don't listen to the guy above me, you alway have to use your blinker when turning or exiting the highway.

    my friend got a ticket for not using his blinker while making a turn from a turn only lane.

    the second it takes to turn on the blinker is well worth not paying a fine or getting into an accident because someone is confused.

  5. Well i suppose by law but i dont always do that.. I am the first one to admit that i dont..

  6. dont make much sense if your in a left hand turn lane you can only go one way.... goes the same way if you are in a right hand turn lane you can only turn one way.......... also like on the free way and your coming up to your exit theres no need to slow down and turn your signal on you just pull over..... only time i use mine is when im switching lanes or turning from a street to another street  in the middle on a block... and i guess your supose to use them but really... if your in a left hand turn lane.... everyone should know which way your going to turn

  7. Yes, regardless of the lane, you have to signal your intention to turn - the person across the intersection might not realize that you are turning, and you also have to think about pedestrians. Its not a big deal, just do it.

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