
Need to take Lubrication on my honeymoon?

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I'm a virgin and I'm really scared about s*x for the first time with my new husband in May. Do I need to take lubrication? What's the best kind to get? This may sound bad, but like how do you apply it? Just on the outside or like get it on the inside too?!? Pls...I'm being serious. Serious answers only PLS! Thx!




  1. Younger people usually don't need lubrication. Trust me, you'll be fine with your own self produced lube! haha

    But, if you want to get it, you wouldn't hurt to have it

    It may be a bit painful the first few times, and of course you may bleed a bit when your hymen breaks (unless it already has through other activies/tampons)

    You'll be fine, just ask him to go slow at first..depending on your level of pain (it's different for everyone)

    Good luck and congratulations!  

  2. Use lubrication for sure as the first few times hurt and try a vibrator.  Go slowly and try to be as calm and relaxed as possible, and be sure to talk to your fiance about how you envision this happening beforehand.  Strongly consider waiting until the day after your wedding to actually do anything sexual because you will be exhausted which can get things started on the wrong foot.    

  3. Wow. Some people are really ignorant here.

    1. Take some lube. You may need it. You may not. However, chances are you will since you guys will probably be pretty active. Don't be afraid to use it to help prevent chafing. You can apply it on yourself or on him directly.

    2. Keep a towel or kleenex near bed. It helps for the end mess.

    3. Just try to enjoy yourself. Don't be afraid to tell your partner what you like and ask him what he likes.


  4. KY Jelly is the norm and can be bought at a pharmacy.  Most people don't need lubricant.  This is actually a question you can ask a pharmacist at your local pharmacy.

  5. get some ky his and hers or the tingle sensation one

  6. Even if you are well-aroused, it doesn't hurt to use extra lubrication. Personally, I'm a fan of Eros. It's pricey but not sticky and a little bit goes a long way.  

  7. Read as much as you can about s*x, the web is excellent for that (unfortunately for young kids!!)

    First of all, make sure that you are very aroused before attempting it. Of course you'll be nervous but he should be patient, not rush you into it, and relax you. You must feel at ease with each other first.

    It might even be a good idea to skip penetration and just use the first part to start learning about each other's bodies. Masturbation is a good way to know what you like, what your shape is, where you like being touched etc... It takes longer for a woman to reach full arousal, when that happens you'll create your own moisture, and won't need lubricant.

    It might hurt the first time, so just take your time. The more aroused you are, the less of a problem this is.

    If you'd like to talk more about it, just drop me a line, I'll be happy to help! :)

    Congratulations and good luck!

  8. Spit works just fine.

  9. most virgins dont use lube.

    and you dont put it on the outside or in

    it goes on his p***s :/

  10. Yes take lubricant!! It will make things a lot easier! You can just rub it on yourself down there and rub it on his p***s- so it WILL get inside you.

    What to know first few times having s*x... it prob won't feel very good at first! Unless you have masturbated and used vibrators/d****s/etc, you won't know what you like.

    Why would you wait until you're married to have s*x with him??? What if he sucks? You're stuck with him.

  11. You can also apply it (or better yet, have him apply it) to you on the outside.  Have him go slowly, use a lot of foreplay first and then have him enter slowly.  The more excited you are, the easier it will be and the less it will hurt.  Each time should get a little bit easier.  Good luck and have fun!  ;-)

  12. If you are a virgin I would definitely suggest lube (especially if you are going ot be really nervous because you won't be as 'wet' if you are nervous).  From personal experience s*x without lubrication, natural or store-bought can be really uncomfortable (I've never had painful s*x, so although some people will tell you s*x hurts the first time, it didn't for me, but it can be uncomfortable).

    Just buy a really simple "personal lubricant" for your honeymoon.  It will be something that will make s*x comfortable and enjoyable for your first few times until you are relaxed enough to really enjoy it and then you won't need it if you are naturally lubricated.

    I find the best way to use lube is to apply a small, quarter-size amount on to the man's hard p***s.  You can use it to "play" a bit before to get him hard, but make sure you have his hard p***s lubricated.  He should just slip in really smoothly after he's lubed up.  Don't attempt to lube yourself up, it's just easier if it's on his p***s, then it reduces any friction of him slipping inside you.

    Don't get the "fancy" stuff for your first time, you really just want the basic "personal lubricant" from K-Y.  They have self heating and massage oil things, you don't need that, especially on your honeymoon.  It will be very intimate and special, you don't need to add tricks.  Also, get an actual tube of lubricant, lubricated condoms aren't the same thing at all, and will probably provide more friction, not lessen it.

    Good Luck and Have Fun!

  13. Yes. Take lube. Astroglide or KY. For the first time, just use the plain type, not the kind that warms or anything, The important thing is that your husband knows that you are a virgin, and that you RELAX! Don't rush into it. Go slow, and try to be very "excited" before he tries to enter you. Kiss a lot, or whatever gets you excited. Then you might not even need the lube. But if you do, just have him put some on his hand and rub it on you, or he could put it on his p***s. It might hurt a little the first couple of times, but it will still be good. You'll be fine. Congratulations on staying a virgin until your marriage. Wish I had!

  14. For starters you don't need any lubrication.  You will create enough liquids on your own together.  Things will just come naturally.  

    As to what you need to know about the first few times you have s*x:  Be a giving lover.  Think about his needs and your needs.  

    You also need to know that there may be a little pain involved in the first few times that you have s*x with him.  This is normal as well as a little blood.  You will be fine.  I was scared my first time because no one told me these things.  

    Another note:  It is okay if it only takes a few minutes or less to have an o****m.  When you are new at this you can jump the gun.  Heck even when you are old at this you can still jump the gum.  Good thing to know is that you will both get a rhythm together and things will work out fine.  

    It is also okay if it takes a while too.  That just equals more enjoyment for both of you.  

    BUT if you are in pain communicate that with him.  Honesty is the best policy and if he is a considerate lover he will want you to be comfortable.  

    Best of luck and congratulations!

  15. Yes, take lube and all the ones suggested above are good.  I know it's your honeymoon and you'll be very excited, but take it from me, if you go crazy on the first couple of days you will be too sore to do much of anything for the rest of your honeymoon.  I actually had to tell my husband on our honeymoon that he could have a choice-we could be like bunny rabbits for a day or two, but that's all I could stand, or we could take it a bit easier and only make love a couple of times a day and last the whole trip.  He chose option number two.

  16. If your talking vaginal s*x then you won't need lube if you're turned on. If your new husband is "experienced" then he can probably get you ready to roll before penetration.  

  17. I was in the same position six months ago.

    I would say definitely bring some lubricant.. I used K-Y Jelly.  We ended up using it for the first few times.  After about a week we didn't need it anymore.

    The first time probably won't be spectacular.  It may hurt a bit and you may bleed, but it'll probably be over really fast.  

    Don't worry if you don't like it so much.  It gets better.

    Congrats on the wedding!

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