
Need to trim and bathe rabbit but...

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I want to trim my rabbit's nails because they're so long and looks painful and also his rear end is matted with fur and f***s so I was going to give him a bath, but I can't get him! (He's had a few baths before.) When I hold him he panics frantically and jumps down and I feel his nails are giving him a lot more pain when he does that. I tried putting a towel over his head and petting him to calm him down but nope. Is there any way I can hold him and bring him inside to bathe and trim nails? Please help I think he is in a lot of pain... P.S. He's a really big rabbit.




  1. take him to the vet for a clip and then a groomer

  2. I have 7 Rabbits all big but one.What you is rabbit nail cutters you have to hold him still all you do is stick the nail in the hole of the cutter and squeeze the handles easy well not to easy to hold them but if you want you can take him to the vet.For washing him I have a plastic storage container that I wash my rabbits in but it is hard to hold them but it's ok I don't no where you would take him maybe a groomer i'm not sure though.Hope I helped good luck.    l

  3. Just take him to your vets office and they can give him something to make him drowsy.

  4. There's grooming info here

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