
Need to vent about doctor and my weight!!?

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so went in yesterday for a prenatal check up and doctor said subtley more than once of how much weight i have gained when in fact i havent gained a pound since the last time i was in there i mean he went on and on and on!! what am i supposed to do?? im almost in my seventh month and this douch bag doctor (a vegetarian) is telling me im to fat and i eat to much red meat (he is a vegetarian) kept looking at my stomach went on and on!! i cried when i left...........i have only gained 10 pounds!! this entire time




  1. I agree- he is not the doctor for you.  What an @$$ O.  Get a woman doctor who has actually been through this- and I promise there will only be supportive comments ;o)

  2. at any during his lecture, you could of interupted him and said,  i only gained 10lbs in the seven months i have been pregnant. i think my wieght is good, so i don't want to hear it.

    during a dr visit, if he/she is being rude or making you uncomfortable, its okay to voice your concerns.  

  3. THAT'S NOTHING!! compared to me, I gained 46 pounds during my pregnancy! And lost 36 of it.

    You should be happy you havent gained a ton of weight, I know it's hard but dont let him get to you..

  4. You lucky girl! I would say time to find another dr. it seems like he might be too wrapped up in his own beliefs. Further, if he thinks that you are being unhealthy with gaining 10 pounds (OMG) then how will the labor and delivery go?  

  5. Wow, what a complete jerk!  Honestly, I'd try to find a new doctor - one who is more understanding and on the same page as you.  I know it's a pain to hunt for a new doc, but you will be so much happier and comfortable in the end when it's someone who is compassionate and who you can relate to.

  6. You are going to gain weight when you're pregnant. What kind of doctor is this guy if he doesn't realize that? You might want to change doctors. You actually HAVE to gain some weight during pregnancy to keep you and the baby healthy, I don't care what anyone says.  

  7. You need to find another doctor. 10 lbs at 7 months is not too much (if anything it is not enough!).  A good doctor will respect your values and not push his on you. He will share his $300,000 medical degree knowlege with you because you are paying him to do so. Anything beyond that is unacceptable.  He is acting like you are drinking alcohol while pregnant (a known American Medical Association no-no, which red meat is NOT).

    I once canned a doctor because he made me pray with him at my first initial new doctor consult for him to become my regular doctor. Its not that I'm not religious - I just felt he should not force such personal beliefs on his patients!

    It makes you wonder if they will boldy cross such personal boundary lines in front of you, what are they doing behind your back.........

  8. Go to a different doctor.... If you don't like them do you really want to trust them with your life and the life of your child?

  9. Do not feel upset! 10 pounds is great for 26 weeks. I hate it when doctors do that. Just relax. I gained 30 with my little guy, and I lost 15 of it before I even left the hospital. Eat meat and whatever else you want! You are feeding your baby too so I'm sure he/she wants some goodies as well. You doctor is just being an ******.

    Feel better, good luck!!

  10. Weight and weight gain is an important part of your health, maybe you are just reading in to it too much.  If you started out a little over weight, or haven't lost the weight from a previous pregnancy, that counts as pounds, too (if you haven't lost 10 pounds from before and have added 10 pounds, that is 20 pounds).  Also, there is a lot of iron in red meat, maybe he's concerned about your iron intake?  Or maybe he's just rude and inconsiderate.  I know when I was pregnant, my husband made "back up beeping" when I walked by one time, and I cried.  I knew he was kidding, but it didn't matter.  Good luck!

  11. get a new dr. he's too wrapped up in his beliefs to do his job correctly.  

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