
Need to vent about inflated Chinese scores during the Olympics!?

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I have watched gymnastics for years and I do understand the new scoring system. That being said, I am appalled at the inflated scores the Chinese have received in both men's and women's gymnastics. For me this is not an American thing because I feel other countries suffered from this scoring bias also. Regardless of difficulty, the Chinese were NOT penalized as heavily as other countries when they made mistakes. If ANY country is to win the scoring should be CONSISTENT. ARRGGHH! I AM SO FRUSTRATED!




  1. It's a new scoring system, give it some time, would you even complain about this if the United States won? Wow, lay back a few steps.

  2. I agree that falling on the vault and landing on your knees should not have be awarded with a bronze. Watching the beam, I was more impressed with Shawn than the Chinese gymnast but I am not a judge nor a gymnast so I dont know what to look for.

    However, in the case of last night where Ludkin won the silver after what seems to be a tie, I think it is fair. Both had minute mistakes and it ended up that China won. Don't be a poor sport and call a conspiracy. China won, US lost. Ludkin doesnt seem to be blowing up about it, why should we. SI wrote an article, telling the readers to "trust (the writer) on this", which cried foul and called for a new scoring system. Unnecessary.  

  3. I am disgusted by the obvious pro China bias. I counted 8 "balance checks" that were obvious to the naked eye by one Chinese gymnast during her beam routine. She received a higher score than Shawn Johnson who had 3 obvious to the naked eye mistakes in her balance beam routine. I don't care what flag you represent...I just want the competition to be fair and above board. If a country has to cheat in order to win...then the medals that are the result of cheating have become meaningless. Why bother having an Olympics if you allow the cheaters to be rewarded for their cheating? This goes for ANY country...ANY cheaters...its all the same. I expect ALL athletes to compete fairly. That is the only way a true world champion can be determined.  

  4. A boost in morale is one thing, but I do think there has been some fudging here in the favor of the chinese.  I don't begrudge them their "home advantage" but I do think that there's a difference between doing well because you're encouraged, and being awarded well because you're favored.

    The person who wrote this question on yahoo answers isn't the only one to think so, I'm sure.  I know several people (including myself) who are having the same feelings - not out of being sore losers but out of concern for unfairness.  

    In fact, I think speaking as far as the atheletes are concerned, they are being very good sports about the whole thing.  They have every right to question the decisions being made, yet they aren't, and seem to have a caring sportsmanship toward their fellow atheletes.

  5. Every "Home" country gets a little boost from the crowd and judges.  Everyone gets it, USA got it in 1996 and China is getting it now.  It is fustrating, but it is what it is.

  6. Admit it. The Chinese have been flawless in the events they won. Just as the American girls were in their All Around floor exercise

  7. amen

    on the beam the one girl had balance checks like five times and i was like wtf because they didn't take anything off for her, but when shawn came up they deducted her for minute things that the naked eye couldn't see...

    maybe they are being payed off by the government

    even the announcers were upset and said that it wasn't a chinese majority judging panel.

  8. chill out. Nothing you can do. have a beer

  9. I think not!The results are based on the rules of the Olympic Games score!

    1 Routine Length: 1'45-five seconds on the floor, 1'40-1'50. From Di Yisheng only to the last out, including tips sound;

    Not requested by points.

    2 Routine score: score includes three parts: (1) performing arts points (2) technical performance points (3) completion of the difficulty.

    3 Routine requirements:

    (1) artistic value: aerobics routines must have a dynamic presentation, creativity and expression. Routine with the perfect combination of music, with a unified 4 / 4 film music, movement and music performances in accordance with arrangements to seamlessly completed. Action should be smooth, light calisthenics and philosophy rules. (2) the value of technology: In accordance with the standard aerobics moves to inform all the action. (3) to require difficult: 1. Points and jump combinations (32 film movement), started four consecutive points and shoot jump.

    2.4 for high kicks

    3.4 for push-ups

    (4) difficult choice: 4 Action group must have:

    1. Dynamic force (push-ups) 2. Static forces (support and balance) 3. Flexible and Technology (kicking and Picha) 4. Power Technology (jump and jump)

    The material moves the action was difficult percentile

    (5) difficulty: Routine maximum of 10 difficult movements, based on an analysis of the points, the number of penalty points Ultra-10.

    (6) Routine not allowed to have two more push-ups standing or in the air Shimoji action.

    (7) Routine not allowed to have two more standing or in the air Shimoji Picha action.

    (8) routines from scratch not only the end of disciplinary action.

    4 moves the material:

    (1) the structure of action: do not mind divided into sub-groups in mind, the group does not mind: 10 points, the more difficult moves. Hutchison group: up to a maximum of 10 difficult movements, followed by the difficulty AG, (A = 0,1, G = 0,7) (2) athletes are free to score under the action moves Curry optional entry packet of 10 moves. (3) The new action by a magistrate Group Points, arbitration and the difficulty magistrate decided percentile, these movements will be sent to headquarters

    1, decided that the action is more difficult movements and determine the new score. 2, ready-made decision to move scores of different points of the same, or high or low scores. 3, decided not to move and the transition moves Points not score. 4, decided not suitable for the Competitive Aerobics will be prohibited.

    (4) action at the World Cup competition in two Aerobics Championship and two U.S. Competitive Aerobics Union's World Championship in September additional, edit and produce.

  10. You know, I felt the same way during 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

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