
Need to wake up on time!?

by Guest45173  |  earlier

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i am 21. I have a 7 month old son and i work two stores for one company. I work my main store in the morning from 7 till 1 and then go to the other store till 4:30 sometimes 5 pm. When i come home my husband goes to work. ( most of the time my son wont take another nap after i have gotten home. He stays up till its bed time. By the time i get him to bed its almost midnight. I am on the verge of loosing my job because i have been late opening my morning store 3 times this month.I have worked for them for a year 1/2 and never been late until this month. 3 TIMES THIS MONTH!!! ( this is the only time its happened besides this month i have never been late to work and only called in twice when i was pregnant) i work both stores because they dont have the staff on hand to work the other store so i feel obligated to do it. I have tried moving my alarm clock across the room in the morning so i have to get up to shut it off and i have set the alarm early. This morning i just slept through it. I woke up at 7:07 am ( when the store was supposed to be open at 7) i have vacation september 8th through the 14th which i believe will help get my self straight again. I was told today if i was late again i was fired ( which i completely understand but cant afford) does anyone have any more ideas? ( Trust me i try to get my son to bed earlier but he waks up every 10 or 15 minutes until around midnight when he goes to sleep. I think im just exhausted. Not to mention the stress of possibly being pregnant again.




  1. Set more than one alarm. And get everything ready that you can the night before you go to work so you have less to do in the morning. Like your shower and picking out your clothes and stuff.

  2. You need to get him down earlier- no matter what.  My son is the same age as yours, and although when he was younger he slept mostly through the night, it seemed lately he was waking up more and more through out the night.  

    Two things we now do that have helped TREMENDOUSLY!

    1- Establish your night time routine.  Start doing the same things each night to establish a pattern in his mind as to preparing to sleep.  (i.e. Take a bath, put on jammies and read a book and eat- then sleep)

    2- Last week, for the first time ever, I let him cry it out.  When he woke up and cried instead of picking him up... I went in and laid him back down, rubbed his back and left the room.  I did this a couple times and then just let him go.  He did cry for about 15 - 20 min, and then he finally went to sleep.  I swear to you- he has slept better every night since!

    I am lucky that my job has a flexible schedule- I really feel for your situation.  Sorry this was so long... You sound like a great mom, and there are a lot of great suggestions from the moms here, I know you will figure it out.

    Good Luck!

  3. You just need to do whatever it will that will get you awake, set 3 alarms if you have to..does your baby get up when you do? If not, then you should try and get him up early...that way he will go to bed earlier.

  4. This might seem to some people as a poor option for you, but when it's his bed time, put him to bed with you.  He should sleep pretty well with his mommy next to him.  You need your sleep and if this is the only way then so be it.  My son would crawl in bed with me every night, and now he sleeps fine all alone.  When you've got your vacation spend some quality time with your son & nap when he does.  Hope this helps you.  Good luck!!

  5. Is there someone you can have call you to make sure you're awake? Maybe your husband or your mother or a friend.

    I'm sorry you are suffering with this exhaustion. Many of us have been there and it is terrible!

  6. Hi,  i know of an excellent book ( the complete sleep guide by Gina Ford), that may be able to help you.....I read this  book 4 years ago and tried to put some things into practice ( moving bedtime 10 -15 minutes earlier each day and within a week my son went from sleeping at 11pm to sleeping at 8pm instead ( with minimum wking up during the night), its quite a cheap book when bought brand new but you should be able to get it even cheaper off ebay and its money well spent.

  7. Thats too much for a girl of ur age...i really feel for u.

    I would like to believe u dont even find time on weekends and your own time of relaxation...thats too bad..i used to have the same problem but was only solve when i got a nanny...

    Discuss with ur husband if u can find someone who will stay at home the whole day and possily to sleep with the the baby..this will allow u to have time for work, time for school (part time studies),and time to enjoy being a wife to ur husband...not forgetting that this can also save ur job!!!

    Too much stress really is not good/ healthy for our bodies.

    'Hey did u say u could be pregnant again?!!!" then non of what ij ust said would be much of help to you......:(

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