
Need ur opinion on adoption..?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i am planning to adopt a child by end of this year. I am single n if it is allowed in Malaysia, i would carry on wit this plan.

However, wht are the important matters that i should take into consideration before i adopt a child? Should the child know tht he/she is an adopted child of mine? Anything that i should be aware of? What is ur opinion on this?

Thank you in advance.

Happy Mother's Day and have a great day.




  1. I was adopted at birth so I didn't know any other then my current parents. How ever I have known that I was adopted for as long as I can remember. I recommend telling them early, I know I wouldn't have wanted that to be sprung on me, that could cause some problems. If they ask you questions, be completely honest, as far as you can. I know my parents couldn't tell me every thing because I couldn't go find my birth mom or anything until I was like 18 or something. I'm 20 now and I still haven't met her, it's a hard choice, I think i've dealt with it well though. The problem is I don't know what it will change, what if she isn't doing well and I feel like I should help. What if I'm not what she expected and I disappoint her. It's a great plan though, I totally support it.

    If you have any more questions just email me, I will answer anything about this. I think if you go to my yahoo answers page you can see my email address, or just add me as a friend. Good luck.

  2. it is best to be honest to your child..medical problems may occur later in the childs life and the child will find out pretty quickly that you are not the natural parent when his blood is of a different group,rather than him finding out like this or a close friend accidently telling him it would be better to come from you as soon as he is old enough to understand..good luck with it.

  3. I would say you have to be sure you can provide a loving home for a child, and commit to them no matter what. You should also be sure that as a single person you have the energy, financial and emotional resources to raise a child. Yes, the child should know they are adopted - secrets are never a good thing. You should be aware that adoption is not usually a quick process. From start to finish ours took about 11 months in the US - this is pretty quick. It may take a bit longer than you expect.

    You should consider if you want to adopt an infant or an older child. An infant is easier in some ways, but there are definitely older kids who need loving homes too.

    Good luck with your plans to adopt.

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