
Need ways to cut costs at my daycare/school.?

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I have been challenged at work to come up with some ways to cut costs at our daycare and non-profit charter school. Please help me come up with some! Only serious answers are appreciated :) I will vote for the best answer!




  1. Our cook was able to cut cost by making enough food exactly for each classroom. She went around and asked what foods the children don't like so much, like certain things they won't even touch for the life of them. Then she would give them more or less depending on the class. That way she wasted less food. Before she had classrooms sending back at least 1 out of 3 bowls of something which adds up.

    Also, use washable plates, not paper. In the long run, you save money. Paper plates get stuck together and you end up wasting a lot.

    Have your staff order supplies on a monthly basis. That way you can buy bulk supplies rather than buying small amounts when they need them on a weekly basis. I.E. glue sticks, markers, crayons, construction paper. etc

  2. that totally depends on what are your expenses...

    do you have an accounting book that you can show us ?

    usually cut cost you can start from miscalinous things, pencil, pen, markers, paper.. but it's easier if u have the books to show..

  3. buying the food in bulk storing it.

    have green days where you dont use electricity--lights in the classrooms aka ( of course you gotta keep the fridge running) for meals that day eat foods that dont require heating to save some costs. besides it will be fun for the kids.

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