
Need wireless remote speakers for hearing impaired parents. What do I need exactly?

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My parents are both hearing impaired and blasting our ears with the TV. I want to get them wireless speakers that can be set next to them. My Mom does NOT want to hook up through the stereo nor use a surround system. Is there some kind of plug in that I can get to plug into the TV audio port and then to the speaker system somehow? Thanks!

These are one brand of speakers we are considering.




  1. If your parents are open to the idea of headphones, there are many wireless headphones available. Here's one, for example:

  2. i do not know the extent or exact frequency range of your parent's loss, but typically really low and really high frequencies are difficult to discern. thus a speaker with good midrange is exactly what you want. you might look a horn drivers because they would be perfect, might be hard to find wireless ones though. if you do buy wireless speakers you should run them from the tv to a receiver, through an equalizer, then to the speakers. with an eq, you could experiment and boost the signals that they hear the most. good luck.

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