
Need witch or wizard help.

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im looking for simple but effective spells. They cant be negative though. Just ones like wish granting love spells. Money attractions. Also it cant need like crystals candles or be on certain nights or anything thank you




  1. i like the "crucio" and "avada kedavera" spells personally.

  2. this one is coming to me for some reason. e la vush de long gore me stella de vone.     try that --- money  

  3. A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B - R - A

    A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B - R

    A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B

    A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A

    A - B - R - A - C - A - D

    A - B - R - A - C - A

    A - B - R - A - C

    A - B - R - A

    A - B - R

    A - B


  4. ok this is simple its a pain spell you take a twig as thick as possible and shove it up your a$$

  5. White magic, got it.

    Try here:

    Some of the spells don't require any materials.

    Good luck!

  6. Then write them yourself, in all seriousness.

    You don't have to rhyme, but you do have to be specific.  Don't say "I'd like more money" because that could be construed by the universe to you finding a penny on the sidewalk next day - spell fulfilled, you have more money.

    You also need to realize that no person is perfectly pure and good and white, and that a love spell is actually a negative thing - you are coercing someone into feeling emotion for you.

    the universe is about balance - so is magic.  Nor is magic instant - it's not pudding.

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