I hate getting AA in under the gun position.
I'm sitting at 3-2 blind no-limit table with semi-tight table image.
Since I'm first to act, I mad it 5 times the blind, $15 to go and ended up seeing the flop with 3 others (no re-raise). I'm acting first and the flop comes, A-10-7, all harts. Here you know already that I do not have flush draw.. :P
What should I do in this case? Should I bet out or check raise?
I don't know if I did this one right or not but I made the bet of $50. Two folded their hands but last called me. Turn, 2 of spades.
What should I do now? should I continue betting or check?
Well, I checked to the other guy and he bet $70.
What should I do now? Fold or call?
I did ended up calling him and saw the river of 6 spade. Still no heart. Again, I checked to him and he bet $100 which is more than I had. Basically put me all-in. What should I do now? Sould I fold?
Indeed he had flopped flush but how can I get away from this hand?