
Need your help on this TX-Hold'em hand.?

by Guest66674  |  earlier

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I hate getting AA in under the gun position.

I'm sitting at 3-2 blind no-limit table with semi-tight table image.

Since I'm first to act, I mad it 5 times the blind, $15 to go and ended up seeing the flop with 3 others (no re-raise). I'm acting first and the flop comes, A-10-7, all harts. Here you know already that I do not have flush draw.. :P

What should I do in this case? Should I bet out or check raise?

I don't know if I did this one right or not but I made the bet of $50. Two folded their hands but last called me. Turn, 2 of spades.

What should I do now? should I continue betting or check?

Well, I checked to the other guy and he bet $70.

What should I do now? Fold or call?

I did ended up calling him and saw the river of 6 spade. Still no heart. Again, I checked to him and he bet $100 which is more than I had. Basically put me all-in. What should I do now? Sould I fold?

Indeed he had flopped flush but how can I get away from this hand?




  1. You played this hand correctly.  Without an incredible  read I don't know how you can get away  from the hand.  Even if he's  got the flush on the flop, you've  still got outs.  Not to mention that he's got position and could easily play the flush draw exactly the same way.  It's just a rough situation to get into.  That's poker.

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