
Need your help with global warming info?

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I'm making a small website for friends and family hoping they will forward the it to other people and share the facts one global warming along with tips thats they can do to help out.

So I need to get some data together and spread the word

What are some facts that global warming is true?

what are some ways people can help out?

Is it also true that we have about a decade to control global warming until its too late... after that the earth will pretty much be dying slowly right.

I'm trying my best to get all the knowledge that i can get to spread the word and try to get people to change.

People are scared of change and its soo easy now with supermarkets getting more organic stuff everyday.

I have a 2 yr old son and it breaks my heart thinking he might not have a good future because people dont think global warming is real.

Please share anything along with websites.

Thanks in advance!




  1. The site "" should serve you well.  It presents the side of the issue that you want to present.

    The site features Michael Mann, a "climate scientist" whose infamous "hockey stick" (and integrity) was thoroughly discredited when a Canadian statistician, Steve McIntyre, attempted to duplicate Mann's work.  Still, Mann is a "climate scientist" held in high regard by those believing in global warming.

    Realclimate makes it easy to follow the global warming doctrine because they do not allow dissent on the site.  They do not reference any serious work contrary to their own position, and purge comments critical to their position.

    For anyone who wants to support the cause of global warming activism, this site is definitely a winner

  2. Don't worry your two year son will have a future. Global warming is so slow and not nearly as bad as the media hypes it up to be.  It will be almost another 100 years at current rate before there is any noticeable difference and that might not even happen if we go through another cooling spell. Only thing I can think to add is that organic food has very little to do with global warming and more with pesticides. Local food uses less petroleum to ship to market. Organic food is sometimes shipped 3000 miles. Have fun with your website.

  3. Best of luck with your site. You will have to post up the url when your done, so we can all check it out and learn more about global warming, i'm glad to see people still care. Thank you.

    Polar ice caps are melting.

    Could lead to a 2nd ice age.

    I know some places, have 4ft+ of snow, like new hampshire.

    Many areas of large land can be washed out, buy all the extra water.

    I recomend looking on these sites:

  4. Stop the Hype!

    Ask yourself why you did not feel this way after they put out the global cooling of the 1970's (ask you parents)

      2. Being enviromentally smart is better than desperate.


    Stop alternative energy programs based on ethanol and bio fuels.

      South America and the US used to export food. Now all that food is wasted and turned into gas that costs more per gallon, the production emits CO2 and on average uses 30 gallons of pure drinkable water (a resource that is getting scarcer on this planet) while increasing the basic cost of food.

       We need to start drilling for more oil, besides gasoline other by products are fertilizer,  natural gas, diesel, and of course plastic. All at a lower energy cost and no consumption of food except by the workers.

        We need to clean up the Atlantic and Pacific Gyres, Removing the plastic and other trash from this area will increase the amount of fish in the oceans. Something as basic to life on this planet but not as glamorous as a wind farm are these areas once filled with life.

    If you want to start saving energy go with LED lighting over CFL's they are safer, free of mercury and lead, and you dont have to worry about broken glass when you son hits them with his blocks.

       Global warming is not the problem.. lack of concern of how your goverment is spending your money is.

  5. The most obvious fact that global warming is true.. is that North America isn't covered by glaciers.  However, pointing out that the current warming cycle has been going on for tens of thousands of years might not fit the theme of the typical "chicken little" global warming theory.

  6. We do not know when a tipping point will be reached, nor whether it may already have been reached.

    The question in a way presumes facts not in evidence, and not very likely.

    If we were to stop all emissions of GHGs on the day before tipping point would be reached, would we avoid the tipping point ?  Unlikely, but conceivable.

    If we set out to reduce emissions on the day before tipping point, would we cut them enough to avoid tipping point? h**l no!

    If we started doing halfhearted things right now, and continued doing next to nothing...

    You see where I am going?

    The main reason we do not know when the tipping point will be reached is that we do not know to what extent the carbon sinks of the world, primarily the oceans, may cease to act as sinks, to what extent they may become potent sources of CO2.

    We can not anticipate volcanic activity perfectly.

    But, and this is big, we do not have a good handle on how badly human behaviour will persist.

    We do know that in previous warming periods we have had a late sharp increase in both temperature and GHGs. We have no reason to believe this event sill be different. The beginning of that sharp increase is possibly well beyond the tipping point.

    If we are close to the tipping point, would it be useful to cut GHG emissions anyway?

    Likely so... by cutting GHG  emissions we just may be able to reduce our extra contribution not to the possibility of a tipping point, but to the severity of consequences.

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