My mom who adopted me had 4 sons. They have never considered me part of the family. Well three of them have but not really. Anyway my moms middle son has never liked me. My mom lost a her daughter and then she adopted me. My whole life I have been harassed by him. My mom just gets stressed because she wants to get along. But its not me, its him. I am a good daughter, always help my mom with whatever she needs...and so do the others. But we have a different realtionship. Mother daughter i guess. I got married, moved away, then they deployed my husband I moved back to here to my moms house. Pay utilities and take care of my daughter. Waiting for my husband to come home. So he just comes over and harasses me. My mom is always at work. I have been dealing with this since i was 14, I am now 24. Also get this..he is a cop, divorced, and 38...Like i am the mature one here or what? Why do some people have to treat adoptees. like nothing...My mom does nothing, i guess cuz thats her real son .