
Need your opinion on this specially the ladies?

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Many scholars who work on the humanitarian consequences if war talk about the effect of war on innocent woman and children. How might women experience war differently from men?




  1. there are more men in the army than women. Even if women and men are equal, there are still some things each s*x is better at than the other. Women are probably more likely to become single mothers if they lose their husband in a war.

  2. Umm, I think it sounds like this is your homework, is it?


    I'm beginning to wish there was no thumbs down option on Yahoo.

    Thanks for replying so honestly.  I think whether or not it is a problem depends on whether you're asking for help understanding the assignment, perspectives that help you phrase the argument, or you're actually looking for the answers.  There are some people, I'm not saying you're one of them, who seem to be trying to take the easy way out of having to actually do the mental labor.  I hate to see people short-change themselves that way.  Forming an argument and writing about it isn't easy, but it's a very important skill to have.  That's why we are given these assignments.

    I think it depends which men you're comparing to which women in that situation?  Men in combat v. women in combat?  Men in a war zone v. women in a war zone, but both as non-combatants?  Men waiting at home for wives who are soldiers v. the opposite?  The opinion of war of the uninvolved man v. the uninvolved woman?

    Which is your interest?

  3. I don't think here is the US we think differently from men in war happenings,we are not Muslim extremists,how could we?

  4. If I can use the example of a woman that I know who came to Australia from Kosovo with her twins boy and girl.

    Giving this answer is by no means saying that there aren't fathers that suffer in the same way, because there are fathers that have the same connection to their children as their mothers do, I believe there are exceptions to every rule.

    This woman has seen much suffering, but has, when in dire times had to protect her children before anyone else. This has left her very much scarred, to the point of even when now living in the relative safety of Australia, those protective instincts are still heightened to an even more sensitive state than even the most dedicated and loving parent that I have met. It is heart wrenching to see her watch and wait for her children to arrive home from school, there is a 'celebration' at each afternoon when she is re-united with her two precious children.

    Although very sad, it is something very special to see the joy on her face at such a simple thing that most of us (that haven't experienced war) should take a lesson from. Of course that is watching your children arrive  home safely from school which a lot of us simply take for granted will happen.

    In these war torn countries, this is sadly, very often not the case :((


  5. Historicly, the men have usly been the soldurs so they are not grouped as the innocent.  Also, women, and children were considered to be more helpless.

  6. Typically it is the women and children that have been left behind by the men who go off to war.  Leaving the women & children to do for themselves and try to make things work.  The women & children may also have to deal with the foreign troops as well, like an occupation force.  No men to protect them makes them easy targets by abusive people.

  7. for me, i guess if we were at war--it matters if i contributed in helping the war. i dont know.

  8. The first thing that happens in ANY war is the women get raped. That's the easiest way to dishearten the enemy's soldiers, is by raping their wives.

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