
Needing help on my johnson

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I jack off a lot. About a week and a half ago I jacked off so much that the skin on my p***s was chaffed and really sore. I have gone (and still going) without jacking off for 11 days. However, the skin isn't healed yet. Some progress was made, it's getting softer and no longer sore, but it's still peeling and the skin is really dry. Is there anything I can do/use to speed this up? I have a bottle of body lotion - Vaseline Coca Butter. Would this be safe to use? I don't want to use a product that could aggravate my condition. Going without beating my meat is really killing me. Please Help.

P.S. -not an std, haven't had s*x in like a 14 months.




  1. stop jacking off so much

    and use lube

  2. First off, I think you may wan to consider easing off on your shwang... it can only take so much.  Yes, normally lotions will help the healing process by keeping in moisture.  However, if it starts to get even more irritated, stop and see a doctor.

  3. Just use an antiseptic ointment until it heals...

    Circumsised guys ought to use a moisturiser every day on their junk to try to help keep their p***s skin soft and supple.

    Uncut guys don't usually have this problem.

  4. No don't be so sure that it isn't an std, it can be one that just decided to pop out and say hello.

    but otherwise thats really sad.

    reaslly really sad.

    go do something.

  5. Take your outboard  motor to a specialist

  6. Try using the lotion on your skin in another location and see if the skin becomes irritated. If not, it should be fine to use on the genitals. For future reference, use lubrication from now on, you won't have this problem again not to mention it'll feel much better.

  7. first off, sick.

    why do it so much?

    chill down and it'll all be good.

  8. oh this sux.. sure it cant hurt to use it.. just jack off any way... u probably want to really bad!

  9. jack off someone else. get them all chafed up

  10. always use lube if you are circumcised, always

    vaseline works(I've used just the regular stuff), witamin E oil works very well, any moisturizer really, just try a little bit first and see if that helps, you may want to avoid the glans as that can be more sensitive

  11. Yeah, put some lotion on it and don't jerk it until it's healed.  Then, use lotion when you jerk it from then on.  

  12. ask your mother

  13. find a very mild lotion. A baby lotion would be good because the skin in that area is softer and more sensitive than skin on other more exposed parts of your body.  

  14. personally i'd give it another week n1/2 if you notice anything wrong blood in p**s or hair(pubic) loss get to a doctor fast, rushing for a cure doesn't always work, sometimes waiting is the best cure

    (anyways its good to give your lil buddy a break even if you dont wanna) as for lotion i have no clue about whats safe

    better safe then sorry.

  15. I would suggest going to the doctors. It shouldn't take that long for your skin to heal??

  16. why would you post that question its embarrasing as f*ck get a girlfriend....or boyfriend whatever your into. And i wouldn't use any lotion just wait for it to heal safer that way just in case.

  17. you could put it in salt water

  18. This has happened to me before at least a couple of times (I think it might have to do with the fact that I'm uncut). I tried putting all kinds of skin lotion and baby oils and nothing really helped. Neosporin was the answer for me because it kept the skin moist (it has petroleum like Vaseline) but Neosporin also has medicine (it actually has 3 medicines: bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B. They kill most bacteria so that the area is kept disinfected so your body doesn't have to waste energy fighting infection and can focus on repairing itself only). Apparently there's even a "Neosporin + Pain Relief", maybe this can help you with your preDICKament ;)

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