
Needing tew move out badly?

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Ok so I'm 15.

i have a mum with a metal illness no1 else in my family want me.

i would love to have my own house with room mates.

i am looking for a job rite now but i need some help.

my friend he also need to move out but he will be 18 at the end of this year.

he is about to get kicked out anyway, so i was wondering would it be possible for me and him to be roomies. we trust each other very much.

but at the moment its about the bills and would our mum and dad's have to agree?

or just mine?

the stress on me at home at the moment is making me not want to be here at all.

if we can move into a house together were would we have to go to get a house and what sites mite help us?




  1. You biggest problem at the moment is that you're under 16.  But go to your local Centrelink office and speak to the staff there about this.  Centrelink has social workers who can help you, and will give you details about allowances that may help you leave home.  They can also give you information on youth shelters.

  2. I can suggest you apply with the government for youth allowance- that would give you a boost with the costs of living etc- there are also lots of youth hostels- I'm not sure however how good a condition they are in- I don't really think you will have much luck finding a house to rent- I don't think people will be very keen to lend it to minors- good luck with it though; I'm sorry but I'm not sure if you need your parents permission.

  3. Hello. I know 2 kids who moved out of home and came to live with me and one was 15 years old and the other was 14 years old. It is not good to move out but if you cannot cope with it you go to a social worker and explain to them what is going on and they will help you get payments from Centrelink as that will help you. I think it would be better off moving in with your friend than to move in with someone you do not know. I know it must be hard for you. I am a foster Mum and i feel so sorry for all the kids out there who have no one and my heart really goes out ot you. If you ever need to talk or need advice please email me anytime. Please look after yourself. Take care ok.

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