
Needing to get my car a tune with how is this very important how much does it cost....?

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Needing to get my car a tune with how is this very important how much does it cost....?




  1. not much if you do it your self mayb $200 at most and shop will charge you like 500-1000 repoff

  2. Motor vehicles need to be maintained on a regular basis. Usually it is necessary to change the engine oil every six months or 6,000 to 10,000 miles of travel. This is probably the most important of all maintenance procedures carried out when the vehicle is serviced. The other important checks are that the braking and steering systems are in good condition, that the lights and windscreen wipers function properly, and the tyres are in a road worthy condition. Last but not least, the exhaust system should be checked. The cost of this depends upon the make of vehicle and where you have it serviced. This could range from $150.00 upwards. Regular servicing will prevent undue wear and tear  to the engine and other working parts, and probably avoid engine failure or breakdown.

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