
Needs advice!!?

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I am a yellow belt in Taekwondo. And I am going to a different style of Taekwondo in 11 days. What should I be doing now to keep up with taekwondo? I want to get better at my Taekwondo that I was in 12 years ago. How can I be more powerful with my punches and kicks?




  1. keep practising.

    it is useful:put a heavy object on ur leg when kicking

  2. Work with weights in your leisure time. One of the best ways to build more power for your punches and kicks is doing those techniques in the swimming pool. You can buy some water-proof hand and leg weights. You'll get the resistance you need to have more powerful punches and kicks.

  3. Working the bags is a great way to start.  But for your punches work a lot on your biceps and triceps, but not lifting to be big do reps of like 20.  Because the bigger you are the less flexibility you will have.  Lifts like bicep curls,  tricep extensions, and dips are all good.

  4. Weightlifting works--and as long as you keep practicing stretching, you won't have to worry too much about losing flexibility.

    Work on using your hips to make your techniques more powerful. Once you learn how to put your hips into each technique, they get better.

  5. Heavy Bag always worked for me.
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