
Needs good answers?

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My name is Aaron Jameson; I’m 22 yrs old. I’m about 5’7, 120 pounds. I love to travel, and I’ve been all over the US. I live in Mississippi, But I’m willing to relocate to a different state. I really don’t have anything that’s keeping me in MS. I work really hard; I’m a chef and painter by trade. I went to a tech school for cooking and I went to job corps for painting. I can do a lot of other jobs as well. I was a volunteer security guard at a hospital; I also was a private bodyguard in FL. I’m very mature for my age, a very hard worker too. I can cook, clean, type, paint and a lot of other things to. If anyone’s interested in a personal bodyguard, chef, servant. You can contact me via email, My email address is., Or if you have myspace. You also and look me up at this URL, Its If anyone can help that would be great, also if you would like a picture of me please feel free to email me. Thank you all very much.


Aaron Jameson




  1. Hi Aaron, you sound like a stellar individual, but I do not think that Yahoo is the place for what you are looking for, you would probably have better luck with your My-space.or even running an ad in the Jackson newspaper (or whatever area you are in).

    With the re-building in Mississippi along the coast as well as Louisiana that should be a lucrative area for you, with the restaurants starting back up in New Orleans,.

    Sorry I could not be of more assistance, good luck and God bless you......thank you

  2. Try registering with Monster good luck
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