
Needs help dealing with an 8 year old?????

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I have an 8 year old daughter who is out of control. She would rather NOT listen to me or her father and will not do her chores that she has assigned unless we tell her over and over and over again. Im needing help on what to do. Ive done everything to making her hold the wall to grounding her from playing with friendss for a couple of days! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!




  1. Well you need to be more in control. Tell her if she does her chores you will give her 5$ for every 20 chores she does. If she talks back or doesn't listen she should owe you a quarter.

  2. if your in a state that lets you give your child a butt wooping i would tell her that if she doenst become more resposible and follow the rules and what you and ur husband say then she will get a wooping...and butt wooping is efective at a young age such as 8.....sit her down and tell her you have become very disappointed that she has not been obeying you and your husband and following the rules..tell her you would like it very much if she became resoponsible...but tell her that if she doesnt start doing whats right that she will be punished as seen fit by you and your husband...also dont back down on ANYTHING you say...if she is grounded for a week then she is grounded for a anything...good luck

  3. If she is still not listening to you the punishments must not be strong enough or your giving in. When my son argues the first time he gets a warning. If it continues he gets a punishment-which is usually the day in his room no tv, no video games, no electronics what so ever. He can only come out for the bathroom and dinner. If I give him an inch he will take a mile. It's like they can smell weakness. You have to follow through on punishments 100% and if it doesn't phase them the punishment is not strong enough. Take away what they love the most.

  4. they're called spankins. they work. but not too hard though

  5. You are going to have to sit down with her, tell her each of the rules you want her to obey, and give her the consequences for each broken rule, AND STICK TO IT FOR EVER!!!!!

    She must pick up her toys or lose them.

    She must clean up her snacks or NOT be allowed to snack between meals.

    She must pick up her clothes and put them away or in the hamper or lose them.

    She must pick up toys/books/games, or other items or lose them.

    If she is sassy and disrespectful she must apologize and lose a privilege such as tv or computer time.

    This will work if you keep at this. Don't do this for a few days and then give up, do this until she is out of your home and on her own. Also, don't give in just because there are tears. Keep to your rules and she will start to realize that she has to do as she is told. Make sure, though, you praise her for doing good, especially if she does a good thing without being prompted to.

  6. Tell your husband to tie her down and teach your daughter  lesson with his belt. Remember, silence is golden, but duct tape is platinum!

  7. I'm wondering why she has to do "chores" at all.  It's one thing for her to have to clean up after herself but to be a built in maid is another.  She is a CHILD and is going to behave like a CHILD, she isn't your maid service.  If you want someone to do "chores" then I suggest you hire a maid service to come in a couple times a week rather than expecting an 8 year old child to do the work.  She shouldn't be doing housework she should be outside playing with her friends, using her imagination so she can grow up and be an intelligent individual.

  8. Tell her over and over again.... its working.

    As far as being out of control, a child is only controlled as much as the parents will control them.   It is up to you how much control you are willing to submit your child to.  Your question suggests that you wish her to submit to your control without you needing to do anything..... that will not happen.  Parenting requires you to take the lead (as in the leash) and pull.  Do not let the child determine who the boss is, because you will always loose.

  9. That's the problem. When you tell a child to do something over and over again, they learn not to listen the first time.

  10. take all the liberties away from her.  and stick to it.  It means you may be stuck in the house with her when you ground her.  you need to let her know there will be consequences for her behavior.  If you say no friends for 3 days make sure you don't cave after 1 because it is too tough for you.  Take everything away, no toys, friends, tv, computer,  she can either complete her chores or she can sit in a chair and do nothing.  My mother would make us sit in a kitchen chair and we could sit and read the bible or an educational type book if we weren't going to do our chores.  No fun period.

  11. All kids would rather not listen but you need to get her under control now.  In 3-4 years, her will, will be much stronger than now and it may get serious.  You need to be very consistent and if your husband is away alot, that must be hard for you. If you make a firm plan on what consequence you are going to give her every single time she does not comply with the rules of the house including doing her chores, you will both know exactly what is expected of you and she will stop the behaviour.  It may get worse at first, but in time, she absolutely will behave properly.  Telling her over and over, and getting mad at her is not the same as actually disciplining, and teaching her that poor behaviour has consequences.  They key though is following through every single time, no matter how much she freaks out or how tired you may be that day. Taking away privileges, or valued belongings, like the computer, or TV are good ones.  And when she does her chores nicely and well make sure you tell her how proud you are that she's learning to be a big girl, and doing a good job following instructions.  Hang in there and good luck

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