
Needs morning nap still but refuses it?

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My 14 month old son still needs his morning nap but pretty much refuses it. May fuss for a half and hour then sleep 30 minutes. The problem is he rubs his eyes and is crabby and I can't do a thing with him. So I put him down around 12:30 for afternoon nap and this varies from 1 hour to 2 hours. If he doesn't sleep the 2 hours then he is still crabby. He goes to bed around 6:30-7 and sleeps until 6 am so night sleep is great but he seems to get it all at night and not enough during the day. We've tried later bedtimes but then he still gets up at 6 and is more tired. Naps have been an issue since he was born.




  1. Try just a morning quiet time.  Just sitting and cuddling and maybe reading for an hour.

  2. my son has been the same way, he's 15mths old, and follows a very similar sleep schedule. All I can suggest is to keep trying to put him to bed until he does take a nap, my son did this for 5-6 days and since then has been getting up at 6:30 and going to bed at 8pm. just keep trying...its usually just a phase before it gets back to normal for him again. I usually attribute it to teething, growth spurts, stuff like that :P

  3. He might be cutting the morning nap out. My daughter went down at 10:00 & 2:00 then cut out her morning nap about 15 or 16 months, so I put her down between 12:00-12:30 & she slept till 2:00. It sounds that he just is at that age that he doesn't need to sleep that much during the day.

  4. Nap transition is a hard stage for the toddler.  You must constantly chant to yourself, "this too will pass... this too will pass...!"

    This is a great time to spend time with him at home playing with him and teaching him.  It will probably seem like an eternity but in reality it will be only a few weeks and then things will settle and before you know it he'll be transitioning into something new and then, well, he'll be off to college.

    Good luck!

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