
Neg. test but symptoms still there? need advice!

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I've had pregnancy symptoms for a month now, my breats are tender, I throw just about everything I eat up, im nausiated all day everyday just about. I have a mild headache almost all day everyday and dizzy a lot. I took a pregnancy test on saturday and it said negative and i took one this morning too and its negative! I dont know if i should go to the doctor and get tested or not. I got what i thought was my AF last wk for 1 1/2 days just spotting... that isnt normal im normally 4-5 days heavy for first 3 then light last day or day and a half. need some advice on what to do! thanks




  1. A friend of mine took a pregnancy test when she thought she was pregnant and it came back negative . .she went to the doctor to have a blood test done and it came back positive! She tried her entire pregnancy to get a positive screening and she was never able to . ..some people just don't have enough hormaones to make those things positive!

  2. I'd suggest you seeing your doctor. This same thing happened to me, and what my doctor said was that my spotting was probably my period, and that (i have an anxiety disorder) it was probably me stressing out that made my period come late and very very light. I was sick too, but it was actually because I had IBS and didn't know it. Something else could be causing you to be sick, but you're probably not pregnant. Your doc may have you take a blood test but maybe not. If you're ttc, then I hope you're just one of those people who dont show up on urine tests until late late late. =] ok? so either way you should try to relax, and take it easy. If you are pregnant, everything you feel the baby feels! Remember that =] good luck

  3. Like everyone else I agree that you should go to the doctor and take a blood pregnancy test, only because the home pregnancy test probably can't detect high enough levels of the pregnant hormone to give you a positive reading. If your period was only on for a 1 1/2 days then you should surly see a doctor. I wish you best of luck!!!

  4. you should see your doctor and they will draw blood.

    It's better to test blood than urine. They will be able to tell you your hormone levels.


  5. Go to the doc and have them check your HCG levels.

  6. sounds like you better go to the doctor honey. you may be preggo and just need a blood test instead or wait another week and take a test if AF does not show.

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