
Negative And Positive Facts...?

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Could you please give me some positive facst and negative facts for the following :







Please provde as much positive and negative facts as possible and choose the best one! Thanks




  1. I haven't had a hedghog so I wouldn't know but here's a list of my personal experience with the others



    Doesn't take up a lot of spice and doesn't require big expensive cages.

    Overall maintenance cost is low.

    Very active and it's fun to watch them play with the things in their cage.


    Fidgety, they don't really like to be handles and are small enough to squeeze out of your hand and run fast. I spent an entire day trying to catch an escapee.

    They smell really bad. Females are the less smelly and they still get to me. People say they won't if you maintain them well but I cleaned their cage everyday and it still smelled worse than all my other rodents combined. It's their urine and they pee a lot.


    Pro. By far my favorite pet rodent. They are the tamest pet I've ever had next to a dog. They develop close bonds with their owners and each other. Unlike mice they do not smell and I clean their cage 2 times a week. Aside from ferrets they are the most interactive pets where you can buy them toys and play with them rather than watch them play like with hamsters or something. They never get tired of being handled and like to be pet. They are finicky like a cat but playful like a dog only smaller. I recommend them to everyone who is interested.


    Not being your typical pet there aren't that many products out specifically for them. Having to be kept in pairs and being very active they need a rather large and possibly expensive ferret cage. Another problem is that cages for ferrets often have bar spacing too big so you will have to go to a hardware store and buy something called hardware cloth and attach it to the cage with slide and lock ties. Cutting and bending the wire can really scratch up your hands.



    very cute animals. I mean, who doesn't love a bunny =)

    Really though aside from their cuteness I didn't really enjoy have them. They were good cuddle buddies but weren't really 'fun'


    They smell, not as bad as mice but still pretty bad. However with proper maintenance and a cage wiping everyday the smell will be almost unnoticeable.  They don't really do much, never plays with toys and just sit there. When I let mine out for free time she just walked around and only hopped on occasion. Need big and often times expensive caging


    These are my 2nd favorite one. Very playful and cute. They are fun to watch and fun to interact with. They also create strong bonds with their owner. They act like puppies that never grow up.

    Con. They need daily maintenance. You have to litter train them also because their waste is similar to the puppy. You'll have to clean the litter box everyday or they'll probably walk on it and spread it on their cage. They do smell but I think this is because of the p**p. They like to steal shiny stuff. I think its funny but I understand how some people can see it as a problem. They need to have supervised free time for  at least 2hrs everyday or else they will become destructive and tear up things in their cage. Caging is big and expensive

    Guinea pig

    I didn't really enjoy having them as a pet. They were like rabbits only not as cute. The thing I like about them was when they squeaked and hopped. They smell like rabbits. They are also real skittish. Caging while is not expensive using a CVC cage, they require a lot of room. I ended up giving my 2 girls to my friend and her sister because they took up too much space and I found them boring.

    I would recommend animals in tis order

    1. Rats

    2. Ferrets

    3. Mice

    4. Rabbit

    5 Guinea Pig

  2. OK. guinea pigs are really fun animals but need alot of attention, they need their vitamin C drops,  the cage needs, to be changed once or twice a week and if your cage isn't big you should take them out to play atleast twice a week or every day!! they also need their fruits and veggies and alot of hay.oh and plenty of water.

    Guinea pigs  should not be in a child's bedroom they need sun light. and if your thinking about putting then in a garage,basement,bonus room,or other closed in or dark places are NOT OK!!!!!

    don't put them the guinea pigs cage on the floor cause when you vacuum or walk the floor vibrates and they do not like that.

    to learn more about them you can go to this website as you can see it helped so I'm sure it can help you.

  3. well i own a ferret and the positives are they are sweet freindly little pets super cute dont cost much trainable cuddly love to be petted and arent nocturnal the negatives are they need to be ou for at least 4 hours a day need to be played with for around 30-60 mins(it depends if you think thats a bad thing or not) they are destructive need a large cage should have supplements need an exotic vet cage should be scooped or cleaned daily over all though ferrets are totally worth it i know it seems like the bad out weighs the good but thats not true at all i love my ferret so much.

  4. Mice don't need a big place (10 gallon tank)

    Rat should have a big cage

    Rabbit's p**p where ever they want

    Ferret's should no be bathed a lot or it will give off a terrible odor

    Guine Pig's are a nice pet and love to be held a lot

    Hedgehog are a nice pets but i don't have a clue

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