
Negative Pregnancy Test...HELP ME!?

by  |  earlier

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its been 2 weeks since suspected conception...


im on the contraceptive pill so i cant tell if ive missed my period untill ive finished the pack!

i took a test today but it was it too early?

i need some advice...




  1. How many pills do you have left in your pack? And what leads you to believe that you conceived two weeks ago? Need more information to answer the question.

    Edit: If you are halfway through, and had s*x two weeks ago, then you had s*x around the time you took pill one. You're not pregnant, unless you haven't been taking the pills as directed.

  2. First things first.....did you take your pills as directed?  If you took the pills as directed it is more than likely that it is the pills that are causing you to miss your period.

    Pregnancy tests are more accurate now then they have ever been before.  But if you feel that you are pregnant and you continue to get negative results you should see your GYN and asked her to perform a blood pregnancy test.

  3. You've got to wait until you have skipped a period to take an at-home pregnancy test.

    Not that this will help you now, but if you were going to make the trip to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test, you could've gone the night/day that you had unprotected s*x to pick up some Plan B. Food for thought for the future.

    For the moment, wait it out. It will be h**l to wait, but you've got to. If you skip a period, then take another test and if it comes back positive then that gives you every right to frantically post on a messageboard.

  4. If you are on the pill... it's not really considered unprotected s*x...

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