
Negative answers because?

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Silly Faces??? Did you actually read the question???




  1. I would imagine there is a whole range of reasons from ignorance or people with a different opinion or it's just kids goofing around.

  2. no because g*y questions like yours put us in bad moods, or the fact that we already are in a bad mood. Maybe u guys should post better questions and not waste your points like one person posted "Which toe is your favorite?" And u call us immature...PLEASE!

  3. It's you. You fail to accept another point of view. Many people are unconvinced on issues such as climate change and don't like having scientific opinion preached as scientific fact.

  4. because the environment is a boring subject now, should be renamed, gonna cost ya more. and very ignorant people thinking its the human race, that's causing global warming ! the biggest con of the 21st century !

  5. They just want to get as many points as they can!

    Yes, laziness and d**n ignorant!

    How can someone not be interested in the place they are living in?

    Definetly lazy and ignorant....and greedy!

  6. Sometimes a negative answer is required depending on the question.  If people only wanted answers that agreed with them then they should not post on here.

    I like to be as truthful as possible, sometimes the truth hurts although I do try not to offend.

  7. maybe they're not smart enough to know how unsmart they are.

    isn't it interesting (and depressing) how 'common sense' often masks uncommonly dumb.

    what i find uniquely american is the number of people who answer with  idk.

    "Hey, look at me, i don't know anything."

    on the other hand, there are questions that just beg to have an aggressively negative answer.

    but of course, if you give 'em what they really deserve, they complain.

    as for lazy, it's interesting how many will post a homework question, when doing the same google search will provide the answer much more quickly.

  8. I don't care one bit about the environment, but I would never answer negatively about people who do because I respect their opinions and also that they have something they fight for. That's in a high way respectable, I believe.

  9. You cant make anyone accept your views, as they are yours and yours alone.

  10. Is it me or do all the eco warriers on the face of this earth think you are pig ignorant or lazy just because you don't agree with their views?

  11. My husband, my Mom, and I all live a very earth friendly lifestyle on our permaculture farm.  Lifestyles do not really get much earth friendly than ours (if someone wants examples, they will have to read questions I've already answered, I'm not going to list them all over again here).

    Yet some people still concider me to be quiet negative.  I never sugest being a vegan is the way to go.  Instead I sugest people raise their own meat animals.

    I never sugest women be allowed only one child, then sterilized.  Instead I sugest we educate women in third world countries (well proven fact the more educated a woman is the fewer the number of her children, and the better cared for they will be).

    I never sugest wind power it the end all, to be all, of green energy (despite the fact that my husband works on the commercial wind turbines).   Instead I state that we need wind, solar, tidal, and other alternative energies to ALL be invested in, since one of them is always producing.

    I never sugest that ranchers killing wolves is a bad thing.  Instead I state that ranchers who have lived for 120 years on wolf free ranches are now facing a serrious problem, not being fairly compensated with checks from the Government for wolf killed livestock, and should be allowed to shoot and protect their business.

    I never sugested that the fishermen stop killing those adorable baby seals (never stated I agreed with it either).  I have stated that the fishermen kill fewer of the baby seals in their harvest than PETA and GreenPeace do when they run out and spray red spraypaint on the baby seals (the polar bears found all the spray paineted baby seals and ate them....the kill rate was nearly 100%).

    I've been very negative when people have posted "warm, fuzzy, adorable" postings of farm animals rescued from horrible conditions on factory farms, and sent to live out their lives on "farms" dedicated to keeping them as giant expensive petting zoo pets.  I've stated instead of suporting stupid rescues like that, people should be taking their children to small farmers who DO raise their livestock ethically, not to pet and oooo, and awww over the animals, but to educate their children about WHY, and to actually pick out an animal for their freezer.

    I could go on, but I'll stop their.  As you can see, my answers are EXTREMELY negative to some of the "enviromentalist."

    By the way....pigs are actually one of the smartest animals on the face of the earth.  You should have called them "sheep ignorant."  Sheep spend the day wandering around the pasture, looking for ways to kill themselves....sheep are dumber than rocks.  

    Now if you'll excuse me, this "lazy" person has to go fence off a new small pasture, move irregation pipe, grind some flour to make homemade bread, get a roast into the crockpot, get all the houseplants outside, now that the snow has finally stoped (!!!), move some more 50 pound salt licks to the horses, pack more of my library, and food storage for our move, feed the bottle baby goat....well my list of farm chores to do today is just too long to type here.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

    P.S. I did realize that YOU the asker of this question are speaking about the "troll type" answers we all reieve when we post questions.  Of course there are also the "Paris Hilton" type answers, that are all "yo-me," and I'll buy what I want, and do what I want, because the world revolves around me.

    I was just using your question as an opprotunity to share another frustration I have.  That frustration is if someone does not answer the question in the completely "enviromentally correct" way that they wanted, they automatically lable you an idiot who doesn't care about the enviroment.  Example would be, "Oh yes, I think we should go save every single baby seal, they are SO cuuuuuuuute!"

  12. im with you on that

  13. Remember people have different personality and way of thinking..... So don't expect or expect good answers, bad answers.... You cannot do about it......boy

  14. Nothing u say or do to improve the environment will help.  These are all signs that the good lord Jesus is coming. Oh haleilugah....:)  So, My Mom says!

  15. Boy, did you ever hit that on the head or what.

  16. My view of it is they do it for the points. Whoo hoo i just got 2 points. Thats all they do it for.

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