
Negative factors causing depletion in flora & fauna?

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Negative factors causing depletion in flora & fauna?




  1. 1. changing patterns of temeperatue and precipitation due to global climate chnage

    2. loss of habitat due to due changing land use patterns (e.g. converting forest into farmland)

    3. Habitat fragmentation (e.g. small pockets of woodland located far apart - due to logging or converting land to farmland) makes it harder for animals to find food and mates and disrupts migrations

    4. damming rivers or changing river flow patterns and erosional patterns in other ways can lead to disrupted fish migrations, disrupted breeding, and can limit the food supply.

    5. spreading of chemicals (herbicides, pesticides) can kill plants and animals or can kill the organisms they need for food.

    6. indtoduction of exotic (non-native) species can out-compete native species or spread diseases that lead to extinction

    7. over-hunting has led to the extinction of some species, such as carolina parakeet and passenger pigeon in North America

  2. One word...HUMANS!!!

  3. hunting be poachers..........

    forest fire........

    expansion of agriculture

  4. introdution to areas with exotic species that takeover  the niche of the native spceies through over competition.

  5. Recent decades have witnessed a rapid increase in population, expansion of industry and spread of urbanisation destruction of habitat(forests). All these factors consequently led to the fast depletion of nature and reduction of the animal’s natural habitat together with wildlife species.,


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