
Negative test but feel pregnant again?

by  |  earlier

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i am now 3 weeks late and have been to docs, blood test has been done and waiting on results, i was just wondering, is there are any women out there who have had negative tests and then found they are pregnant??

i am just feeling concerned, i dont want to push myself to hard to find i am pregnant, but i dont want to nancy about if i am not lol... i have done 4 tests now 2 neg, 1 pos and another neg, but all preg symptoms are there.




  1. I just want to tell you some thing I had taking 12 pg test ok and knew I was pg and then I ended up in er and found out I was carrying Twins I was 2 months and by time I found out it was a little late.

    The one in my uterus didn't have a heartbeat and the other one was to close to my cervix and I had to have emergency surgery on April 5,08 .

    See pg test aren't always right but blood test are better to be honest.

    I had all the symptoms being pg as well but none would show up on a test till I got sick and went to er so watch what them test say cause they aren't worth the money in my point,


  2. I know lots of people.. my mother actually had her period for 4 months when preggers with me.. there is a women at work who was 8 months preggers and did a pregnancy test for fun and it was neg... and I personally can never get a pos. urine test.. my doctor help blood work results that said I was preggers in one hand and did a urine test with the other and that said I wasn't.. (and I was. ending in MC).. but our bodies are weird.. Also.. if you got a pos. your prob. preggers, it's usually hard to get a false pos. compared to a neg. good luck xo

  3. You have taken 4 pregnancy tests in 3 weeks and by what you wrote I am assuming waiting on another ("Blood test has been done and waiting on results")... is there some particular reason that you didn't trust the first 2 that you had to take the 3rd one that showed positive other than just "feeling pregnant"? Have you been pregnant before? If you've been to your doctors then why don't you ask your doctor what is wrong instead of us? We aren't doctors and we sure aren't getting their pay.

  4. It took 2 weeks for me to get a positive hpt after my missed period. Sometimes it can take a while! It sounds like you are pregnant.  

  5. take a different brand of pregnancy tests

    and if u r pregnant... CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  6. I have had four baby's and new before the tests. you may be, dont fret over it. if you are you are if not try again.

  7. False positives are rare.

    False negatives are common.

    If you got a pos. I'm guessing you're pregnant. Good Luck!

    (And congrats Momma!)

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