
Negative thoughts about a girl playing hockey?

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Allright so I really want to play hockey but I really and truely think the sport isnt for me. Can sombody please give me negative thoughts on me (a girl) playing hockey.





  1. i dont care that this says no positive answers...

    there are no negatives

    if you wanna try it you should go for it

    you shouldn't be asking for reasons not to do something that you want to do!!

  2. a girl playing hockey is prone to clipping her fingernails inside her gloves and toes in her skates then scream "ouchie mommy, I got a booboo"

    hey what's with the "thumbs down", she wanted "no positive answers"

  3. loose your teeth

    be checked a lot

    but dont look at the negatives, if you want to do it, do it, dont try to get reasons why you shouldnt. theres negatives to everything, but they shouldnt be stopping you

  4. you could get hurt


    if you really want to play then try it if you decide not to play now you will never know what you will miss out on

  5. you might get checked it hurts

    people might laugh at you

  6. Alright, but you asked for it.

    Your gender is worthless and could never compete with males in a physical sport like hockey.

    I don't agree with that statement, but you did ask me to do it.

  7. They have really good skills, but they are smaller and weaker than guys, get hurt a lot easier, and cry over injuries.

  8. I told you in your other question you seemed to want to talk yourself out of playing. I think you are way too flighty to ever play any sport or do anything constructive in life. How is that for negative?

  9. I have a question. do you like your teeth? I hope not, because if you play hockey, you'll have none left to like.

    but seriously. if you like hockey, play it. if you have to be talked out of playing, then you obviously really wanna do it, so you should just play. I would kill to have my mom agree to let me even try out, but her excuse is that I'm a girl.

    Just try. if it really isn't for you, you can just...quit.

  10. The first time you step on the ice some tank girl is gonna run you over and snap your hand...

  11. I refuse to give you negative answers, I play hockey and im a girl/woman. IT is the best sport ever! For anyone to play, male or female! SO NO im not going to tell you not to play, im going to tell you that you should play, and if you want to play give it a shot, who care's what other people think, you need to try it if you like it!

  12. You'd look awful without your front teeth.

  13. awful .. awful .. question ..

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